Nuovi beneficiari di una prestazione di vecchiaia di una cassa pensioni, per combinazione di prestazioni e sesso, 2019

The latest data on Swiss occupational pension plans

The stimulating graphs drawn up by the Federal Statistical Office of new BVG or Second Pillar pensions/retirements based on 2019 information

In 2019, one in every 2.5 Swiss received a lump-sum or Second Pillar retirement payment before the legal retirement age.
Notably two years ago, nearly 43 percent of women and 44 percent of men who received a lump-sum retirement benefit from the Swiss occupational pension system for the first time did so before reaching the legal retirement age.

In advance, more than 40 percent of LOB benefits…

Importo nuove rendite dell'AVS e della PP, secondo le classi di età e il sesso, 2019
Amount of new OASI and PP pensions, by age group and gender, 2019


Importo delle prestazioni in capitale dalla PP e dal pilastro 3a, secondo le classi di età e il sesso, 2019
Amount of lump-sum benefits from PP and Pillar 3a, by age group and gender, 2019

Of those who received an annuity, 40 percent of women and 46 percent of men received it before reaching the legal retirement age.
This information has been compiled into a plateau of charts that the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) has made available to everyone after the calculations and is worth reading in depth.

Ammontare dei capitali riscossi dalle casse pensioni, per combinazione di prestazioni e sesso, 2019
Amount of capital collected by pension funds, by combination of benefits and gender, 2019


Ammontare delle nuove rendite dalle casse pensioni, per combinazione di prestazioni e sesso, 2019
Amount of new pensions from pension plans, by combination of benefits and gender, 2019