The statutes of Swiss Federalism, name, purpose and seat of the association

Like any self-respecting association, Swiss Federalism follows the rules of the Swiss Confederation concerning the constitution and the ordinary and extraordinary management of a non-profit cultural association.

Name, purpose and Headquarter

Art. 1

Under the name of Swiss Federalism, a non-profit association is established in accordance with Art. 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code and these Articles of Association.

Art. 2

The purpose of the association is:

  1. to promote Swiss federalism and its benefits on the economy and society as a whole at an international level
  2. to protect and promote the Italian language beyond the Gotthard as a minority language in Switzerland
  3. to support Swiss small and medium-sized enterprises.

Art. 3

The association is based in Gommiswald SG. Its duration is indefinite.


Art. 4

The organs of the association are

  • the General Assembly
  • the Management Committee

Art. 5

The financial means of the association are constituted by the ordinary or extraordinary dues of the members, by donations and legacies, by the proceeds of the activities of the association and, if necessary, by public subsidies. The annual financial year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year. The financial obligations of the association are guaranteed by its assets and the personal liability of the members is excluded.

The members of the Executive Board are exempted from the payment of the contribution


Art. 6

All persons and bodies interested in the pursuit of the aims stated in art. 2 can become members. Any natural and legal person interested in the purposes of the association may become a member. Upon proposal of the Management, the Members Assembly may grant the status of honorary members to persons who have done particularly significant work in favor of the association.

If means permit, the association shall publish an information bulletin for members and persons close to the association.

Art. 7

The association consists of:

  • founding members
  • individual members
  • collective members

Art. 8

Applications for admission shall be submitted to the Management Committee, which shall decide on the admission of new members and inform the General Assembly.

Art. 9

Membership ceases – in the case of natural persons by resignation, exclusion or death. – in the case of legal persons by resignation, exclusion or dissolution of the legal person.

Membership ceases as a result of:

(a) resignation. Resignation does not exempt from payment of the annual fee.

(b) exclusion “for good cause.”

Exclusion is the responsibility of the Steering Committee. The person concerned may appeal against this decision to the General Assembly. Repeated non-payment of dues for two years will result in exclusion from the association.

General Assembly

Art. 10

The General Assembly is the supreme body of the association and is composed of all its members.

Art. 11

The General Assembly has the following powers

  • adopting and amending the Statutes
  • to appoint additional members of the Management Committee
  • decides on the line of work and directs the activities of the association
  • setting the annual membership fee for individual and collective members
  • deciding on other projects on the agenda.

The General Assembly may deal or be instructed to deal with any matter that it has not entrusted to another body.

Art. 12

The Steering Committee shall call meetings at least 20 days in advance. The Steering Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting whenever the need arises.

Art. 13

The Assembly shall be chaired by the Chair or another member of the Committee.

Art. 14

The decisions of the General Assembly are adopted by a simple majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the president has the casting vote.

Art. 15

Voting shall be by a show of hands. At the request of at least 5 members, voting shall be by secret ballot. Voting by proxy is not possible.

Art. 16

The Assembly shall meet at least once every 5 years at the call of the Steering Committee.

Art. 17

The agenda of the Annual Meeting (called ordinary) must necessarily include:

  • the report of the Management Committee on the activities of the association during the past year
  • an exchange of views/decisions on the development of the association
  • election of members of the Management Committee
  • individual proposals.

Art. 18

The Steering Committee is required to place on the agenda of the General Meeting (regular or extraordinary) any proposal submitted by a member at least 10 days in advance.

Art. 19

Extraordinary General Meetings shall be convened by the Management Committee or at the request of one-fifth of the members of the Association.

Managing Committee

Art. 20

The Management Committee implements and enforces the decisions of the General Assembly. It directs the association and takes all necessary measures to achieve its objectives. The Management Committee deals with all matters that are not expressly reserved for the General Assembly.

Art. 21

The Steering Committee shall consist of the 2 founding members. The Committee shall be self-determining. It meets whenever the business of the association requires it.

Art. 22

The association shall be bound by the collective signature of two members of the Management Committee.

Art. 23

The Steering Committee is responsible for:

  • take useful measures to achieve the objectives
  • to convene general, ordinary and extraordinary meetings
  • take decisions concerning the admission and dismissal of members or their possible exclusion
  • ensure the application of the Statute, draw up the regulations and administer the assets of the association.

Art. 24

The Steering Committee shall be responsible for the accounting of the association.

Art. 25

The committee shall hire (and fire) employees and volunteers of the association. It may grant a term of office to any person from the association or outside the association.


Art. 26

The dissolution of the association is decided by the General Assembly with a majority of two thirds of the members present. The balance of the assets will be donated to a body with similar purposes.