Vladimir Putin, presidente della Federazione Russa, e Guy Parmelin, presidente della Confederazione Elvetica, a colloquio a Ginevra

Good offices and economic agreements in the Russia-Switzerland summit

Guy Parmelin and Vladimir Putin talked about the development of bilateral relations, security issues in Europe and the activity of a…

L'anidride carbonica o CO2 è un pericoloso gas inquinante

In Switzerland three times “no” against the environmentalism of way

Helvets rejected pesticide and water initiatives and new CO2 law, accepting counter-terrorism rule and COVID aid

Crasi fra le bandiere della Federazione Russa e della Confederazione Svizzera

There is a customs memorandum of understanding between Russia and Switzerland

The primary objective of the MoU signed by Bern and Moscow, although not binding, is to advance technical collaboration and the exchange of…

Un blister contenente una pastiglia danneggiata è il primo sintomo di scarsa qualità

Switzerland against illegally imported and falsified drugs

The federal government took part in Operation Pangea XIV conducted by Interpol, hitting the sale of erection stimulants in 90 percent of…

Una targa professionale svizzera del Canton Berna

Okay to drive with professional license plates in Germany

The Federal Roads Office and the German Federal Ministry of Transport have signed an agreement on the mutual recognition of traffic…

Jean-Philippe Gaudin will no longer be the head of Swiss 007

The Government and the Divisionary at the top of the Information Activities Service will mutually terminate the employment relationship for…

Il penitenziario svizzero di Lenzburg nel Cantone Argovia

The number of prisoners in Switzerland is the lowest since 2011

The federal government reports a total of 6316 people incarcerated, occupying 85.4 percent of the available places in the 92 deprivation of…

Condanna di adulti in Svizzera nel 2020 sulla base delle legge principale

In Switzerland, 11% less criminal convictions in 2020

The Federal Statistical Office has observed a decrease in violations of foreigners' and traffic laws as well as in sentences of more than 2…

Il fumetto

The comic book ‘Le Guardie del Papa’ now available in Italian

Published by "Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna" and available on the web shop www.guardiasvizzera.ch, the 50 plates of Marc's story gain a…

Una Patente di Guida dell'Italia

Driver’s licenses: the Switzerland-Italy Agreement is renewed

Bern and Rome signed on May 13 the five-year renewal of the convention for the mutual recognition and conversion of driving licenses

Guardie Svizzere in attività in Vaticano

Federal Council: no derogations for Swiss Guards

The Government is opposed to House Initiative 19.429 to exempt from military tax for the duration of service in Vatican City

Extremism in the army: only 39 “cases” in Switzerland

Seventy-three percent of the counseling requests and leads noted in the Schweizer Armee, while negligible, involved alleged "right-wing"…

Fronte di una Licenza di Condurre della Svizzera

The Federal Council “lightens” the withdrawal of the license

The process of handing over a driver's license to the police will be faster and clearer, and professional drivers will be able to drive, if…

La nota schermata di Facebook che indica una pagina censurata dall'algoritmo

The unsustainable and eternal stupidity of the censorship algorithm

Censorship always derives from a paternalistic and offensive vision of the people: from "Braghettone" to Facebook, its mechanisms have…

La scritta 'razzismo' in tedesco su una macchina da scrivere

Racism emerged in counseling activities in Switzerland

A trilingual federal report documented and analyzed the 572 cases of 2020 racial discrimination in the workplace or neighborhood

Una bionda bambina si allontana con una sconosciuta

Switzerland is in the front line against enforced disappearances

From April 13-15, 2021, the federal government submitted to the UN Committee the report on the implementation of the 2006 Convention on…