Swiss National Bank Image by Albert Häsler from Pixabay

80 billion profit for the SNB in 2024

CHF 3 billion will be distributed to the Confederation and the cantons, while the distribution reserve is back in the positive

Vote Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Swiss vote result of 24 November 2024

In the federal vote on 24 November 2024, the Swiss say yes to the uniform financing of healthcare, but reject the expansion of motorways…

Meggen (LU) - Lake Lucern Image by Jozsef Farago from Pixabay

Swiss Municipalities Ranking 2024: Central Switzerland Leads the Way

The best municipalities for living in Switzerland are in Central Switzerland, with Meggen (LU) in first place, followed by Hergiswil (NW)…

Federalism Image by Lone Internaut, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Federalism: A comparative analysis between Switzerland and other federal countries

Federalism is a system of government in which powers are divided between a central government and various sub-national units of government,…

Il logotipo del

Federalism Award 2022 to the Forum for Italian in Switzerland

The Forum for Italian in Switzerland wins the Federalism Award for its commitment to the Italian language and culture taking into account…

Switzerland is the world champion of… “human freedom”

The "Human Freedom Index 2021" measured 165 countries, through 82 different personal and economic indicators, and recorded the Swiss…

How the “Digital Switzerland” Committee feeds on federalism

Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer, Federal Chancellor Walter Thurnherr, economists and scientists lean over the three levels of digitization

Giancarlo Pagliarini, parlamentare della Lega Nord dal 1992 al 2006, è attivo in politica con la “Rete 22 Ottobre”

Giancarlo Pagliarini: “Federalism would facilitate Italy”

The 79-year-old politician, now active with the "October 22 Network", remembers Gianfranco Miglio, thinks of the lira for the South and…

Le tasse rappresentano un continuo motivo di dibattito

Corporate taxation: Switzerland requests more certainty from the OECD

Berne would like to see safeguards for the interests of smaller, economically strong countries and greater regulatory clarity for the…

ll territorio del municipio di Schwarzenberg nel Canton Lucerna

A seminar for a better understanding of federalism

Continuing education for public employees, policymakers, and the media on Switzerland, the basics, and how it works in Schwarzenberg in…

L'hinterland di Berna è stato oggetto di un processo di urbanizzazione

Home ownership: strong rise in demand and prices

Zurich and Zug, the Lake Geneva arc and the Bern agglomeration have seen a rapid drying up of the rental market, with obvious results...

La Svizzera e i suoi 26 Cantoni sono sempre più vicini a un uso sistematico del voto elettronico

Switzerland will test the new electronic voting system

As some cantons will resume testing with Swiss Post's future election computer system, Bern will implement an independent audit

From ch Foundation a journalistic podcast on federalism

A project of the Bernese Stiftung will focus on the innovative power of the division of powers in Switzerland, but also on the difficulties…