How the “Digital Switzerland” Committee feeds on federalism

Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer, Chancellor Walter Thurnherr, economists and scientists discuss the three levels of digitization

On October 25, 2021, at the second meeting of the “Digital Switzerland” Advisory Board, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer placed emphasis on federal collaboration in the digital transformation of administrations.
Together with Federal Chancellor Walter Thurnherr, he discussed the legal and political framework conditions for digital administration in a federal system with experts from science and business, civil society and politics.
Last June, the Federal Council defined the topic of “Digitization and Federalism” as one of the three current priorities for 2021 when it comes to digitization.

A seminar for a better understanding of federalism

Following the first meeting on September 2, 2021 with Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter on the topic of Electronic Identity (e-ID), the Advisory Committee, chaired by Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer, discussed the topic of “Digitization and Federalism” with experts from science, business, civil society and politics as well as representatives of the authorities of the three state levels.
In view of the creation of the Swiss Digital Administration (DDA) and further development steps, the participants assessed the institutional, legal and political challenges and framework conditions, possible solutions as well as opportunities and innovation potentials for the administrations.

From the ch Foundation a journalistic podcast on federalism

Il grado di collaborazione di Cantoni e Comuni svizzeri al processo di eGovernment
The degree of cooperation of Swiss cantons and municipalities in the eGovernment process

Collaboration between state levels implemented at the federal level

Among other things, federalism was discussed as an opportunity to promote innovative digital solutions and address common cross-cutting challenges. Also discussed were the basic services in Switzerland that should be provided by a single entity.
As part of the digital transformation, Switzerland needs to step up at all federal levels.
In order to intensify cooperation between the state levels, work is underway to create the organization “Digital Administration Switzerland” (ADS), with the federal government and the cantons as responsible entities with equal rights. ADS will be operational as of January 1, 2022.
The next meeting of the Advisory Board will take place on December 6, 2021, will be chaired by Federal Councillor Alain Berset and will address the topic of digitization in the health sector.
Digital Switzerland Advisory Board: exchange of views on priorities in the area of digitization.
At various meetings of the Advisory Committee on Digital Switzerland, the Federal Council addresses various topics relating to digitalisation. The meetings are held several times a year with alternating chairmanship.
They are organized by the Digital Transformation and ICT Governance (DTT) sector of the Federal Chancellery.
The meetings allow an exchange of views on selected topics between members of the Federal Council and representatives of business, science, politics, authorities and civil society and serve as a complement to the Federal Council’s “Digitalization and ICT” committee.

The “Basel Declaration” for the federalism of the future

La Confederazione Svizzera punta molto al progetto di Amministrazione Federale Digitale
The Swiss Confederation is banking on the Digital Federal Administration project