Crasi fra le bandiere della Confederazione Svizzera e della Repubblica Italiana

Roadmap Italy-Switzerland in tax and financial matters: yes!

The Federal Council has adopted the report concerning the implementation of the mutual commitments made by Bern and Rome in May 2015

Federal Council adopts report on relations with Italy in the area of finance and taxation
At its meeting on 27 October 2021, the Federal Council adopted the report on relations between Switzerland and Italy in the areas of finance and taxation.
In doing so, it fulfilled the postulate submitted by National Councillor Marco Romano.
In May 2015, Switzerland and Italy signed a roadmap containing a political commitment regarding several important points of bilateral tax and financial relations.
The roadmap also describes solutions for a number of bilateral topics, such as the automatic exchange of information, the regularization of the past or double taxation and the taxation of cross-border commuters.


At the end of 2020, the two countries signed a new agreement on the taxation of frontier workers. In this context, National Councillor Marco Romano has deposited a postulate (21.3242) on the roadmap, with which he instructed the Federal Council to draw up a report on the status of implementation of the dossiers mentioned in the roadmap.
The report points out that the solutions agreed upon in the roadmap have made it possible to make great progress towards the normalization of relations between Switzerland and Italy in the financial and fiscal area.
In fact, the new Border Crossing Agreement is in the process of ratification in both countries, while the automatic exchange of information related to financial accounts has been in force since January 1, 2017, and a first data exchange took place in autumn 2018.

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In addition, the regularisation of the fiscal past, as called for in the roadmap, has been achieved.
The situation has also improved considerably with regard to the 1999 blacklist and positive developments are expected shortly in this area as well.
The question of revising the double taxation agreement will have to be examined by both parties.
Finally, Switzerland and Italy discussed other topics mentioned in the annex to the roadmap.
Both countries intend to maintain an exchange on important topics in the future as well, including, for example, the provision of cross-border financial services.

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