
First Swiss Forum “Business and Human Rights”: a success!

More than 200 people attended the event aimed at raising awareness among companies about practical approaches to ensure responsible management

L'infografica "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights"
The “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” infographic.

The first Swiss Forum “Business and Human Rights” was successfully concluded on September 14, 2021. The event, which consisted of panels and practical workshops, raised awareness among companies about concrete approaches to ensure responsible corporate governance.
The Multistakeholder Forum, held in a hybrid format of both in-person and remote, attracted more than 200 people. In the presence of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Livia Leu, and the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, representatives from business, civil society, the scientific community and trade unions had the opportunity to exchange views. Participants explored how to identify, assess and prevent potential negative impacts of business practices on human rights.

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Il logotipo del Forum svizzero "Imprese e Diritti Umani" in lingua tedesca
The logo of the Swiss Forum “Business and Human Rights” in German language
Il logotipo del Forum svizzero "Imprese e Diritti Umani" in lingua francese
The logo of the Swiss Forum “Business and Human Rights” in French language
Il logotipo del Forum svizzero "Imprese e Diritti Umani" in lingua italiana
The logo of the Swiss Forum “Business and Human Rights” in Italian language

Workshops on current topics, such as unstable and critical contexts

Workshops were organized on current topics such as unstable and critical contexts from a geopolitical perspective (conflicts, failing states, etc.), child and forced labor, responsible business management in the Xinjiang region of China as well as a workshop specifically targeting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The discussion focused on promoting dialogue on business and human rights issues, operational challenges, and exchange of best practices.
The event was organized by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) within the framework of Switzerland’s National Action Plan 2020-2023 “Business and Human Rights” (NAP), which was drawn up to implement the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights prescribe the fight against human rights violations, to which Switzerland is committed nationally and internationally. Sustainable social and economic development cannot be achieved without respect for human rights, the importance of which is increasingly being recognized by companies around the world. The Confederation supports Swiss companies in this mission. The National Forum that has just ended is a testimony of its commitment to raise awareness of human rights among companies.

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La sede della Segreteria di Stato della Migrazione a Wabern
Headquarters of the State Secretariat for Migration in Wabern