La conferenza stampa di presentazione dell'Osservatorio Ticinese sulla Criminalità Organizzata (O-TiCO)

In Ticino an observatory against organized crime

The Institute of Law of USI and Swiss Radio and Television have launched a center of expertise on mafias, based on a hundred facts and 400…

Il nuovo Centro Amministrativo Federale di Zollikofen (Canton Berna)

364.3 million requested for federal buildings

The government has adopted the 2021 dispatch on constructions that are useful to Switzerland, from the Swimming Centre in Tenero to the…

Il Consigliere Federale Ignazio Cassis al 25esimo Dies Academicus dell’USI a Lugano

“More science in diplomacy, more diplomacy in science.”

On the sidelines of USI's 25th Dies Academicus, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis outlined the strategy that will inform Swiss foreign…

Il logotipo dell'Istituto Universitario Federale per la Formazione Professionale (IUFFP) in lingua inglese

SFIVET is on its way to full academic status

In 2022, the Federal College of Applied Sciences in Zollikofen, attended by 16,000 people a year ago, will be even more attractive

Referendum e iniziative al vaglio in Svizzera

Aargau, Geneva and Ticino in the foreign test on voting by mail

For the June 13 round, the 1,600 residents of Australia, Brazil and Thailand will receive half ballots from the motherland and half from…

I Bitcoin sono benvenuti a Chiasso, Zugo e in Ticino

Canton of Ticino says yes to payments to the state in Bitcoin

With the support of UDC, Lega dei Ticinesi, FDP and some PPD members, the Grand Council approved the motion on cryptocurrencies of 2017 by…

L'imprenditore Nicola Zanni nella nuova e amata patria, il Canton Zugo

Nicola Zanni: “In Zug, if you want and work hard, you get a lot”

The Ferrara entrepreneur, who has headed an established financial firm since 2015, enjoys in Switzerland the paradise on earth denied him…

Un'autocisterna impegnata su un'autostrada in inverno

Heavy goods traffic: controls in Switzerland despite the pandemic

Inspected in 2020 on Swiss soil as many as 38848 transport vehicles, including trucks, articulated trucks, vans and buses, with 22519…

Il Museo Svizzero delle Dogane a Cantine di Gandria (Ticino)

At Easter the Swiss Customs Museum reopens its doors

On April 4, 2021, two exhibits on AFD activity during the pandemic and wartime smugglers will reactivate the Cantine di Gandria facility

Tronchi di legno coperti di neve in Svizzera

900 commodity traders in Switzerland

Swiss companies that import and export materials used in the manufacture of other goods employ 9,800 people, primarily in the cantons of…