
Popular vote on 15 May 2022

On 15 May 2022, Swiss citizens will vote on the following three issues:  Amendment of the Film Act, Amendment of the law on transplants,…


Every third innovation promoted by Innosuisse represents a novelty on the world market

Studies by Innosuisse show that the funding used quickly benefits the Swiss economy and the implementation of projects in the market…

Conference “Italophonie and the role of public service media”

Analysis of the situation of Italian in the context of Swiss plurilingualism considering: the demographic and sociolinguistic aspect, the…

Svizzera e Liechtenstein intendono lasciare un'impronta comune

Excellent bilateral relations between Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Relations between Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein are excellent, and the two countries are bound by strong ties of…

Sechseläuten – Zurich’s spring festival

Sechseläuten (Sächsilüüte in Zurich German) is a festival with a 100-year tradition celebrating the beginning of spring in Zurich, held…


The alpine season as candidate for the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO

An emblematic tradition of mountain areas, the alpine season could soon be inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural…

Czech Rep. Schweiz

State Secretary Hirayama’s working visit to Czech Republic

On March 29, 2022, Martina Hirayama, Secretary of State for Education, Research and Innovation, will meet with Czech Minister of Education,…

Regione Alpina

Alpine Convention

The Alpine Convention was the first international treaty in the world to consider a transnational mountain area in its entirety

La diffusione della lingua romancia nei Grigioni

Rumantsch: a language to discover

Romansh (Rumantsch, Romontsch, Rumauntsch) is the fourth national language of Switzerland and is spoken in the trilingual canton of…


Rapperswil-Hurden wooden bridge

The wooden bridge "Holzbrücke" is a footbridge between Rapperswil (Canton St. Gallen) and Hurden (Canton Schwyz) located near the so-called…

Andrea Schenone pushes “Swiss Federalism” at “La Res Publica”

The president of the well-known association based in Gommiswald was interviewed on the topics of Switzerland, direct democracy and…

Libertà dalle misure contro il coronavirus in Svizzera

COVID-19: Measures to restore Switzerland’s freedom

The Federal Council revokes the measures in force until the end of March, except for the isolation and the mask requirement on transport…

La mascherina è uno degli strumenti più diffusi di contrasto al COVID-19

COVID: two different hypotheses of “end of restrictions” in Switzerland

Away with quarantine and mandatory telecommuting as of Feb. 3, but the Federal Council could already send the pandemic to the archives by…

Gianluca Tirozzi: “This is how bitCorp will conquer metaspace!”

Confrontation with the co-founder of a cutting-edge security computing startup, working on a "low cost" quantum PC