Student Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Increasing mobility of Swiss graduates

Four in ten graduates attended a college of higher education outside their canton of residence

Vacanze al mare Photo by Pexels on Pixabay

Summer vacation

The term summer vacation or summer break refers to the school break between school years and the academic year break, which can last from…


High school maturity adjustment for exam-free access to universities

The Federal Council has launched the consultation process for the total revision of the Matura Ordinance (MCO) and the Administrative…

The new basic commercial training will be offered in… 2023

In Switzerland, the two levels of training will be harmonised in terms of teaching methods and content for commercial employees (FTA and…

Una pagella scolastica italiana d'altri tempi e chiarissima

Don’t ask us for words: in Italy we no longer have any…

The evolution of the bureaucratic language of the Belpaese does not move towards simplification, but towards farce: an idiom that, by now,…

Damian Elsig è il direttore della Biblioteca Nazionale Svizzera

Damian Elsig new head of the Swiss National Library

The newly appointed director of the NL will take office Aug. 16, succeeding Marie-Christine Doffey, who has led the institution since 2005…

Un bambino africano guarda alla Svizzera con speranza

Three hundred million francs for global health

Bern aims to improve access to vaccines, tests and medicines in developing countries and to strengthen local health systems in line with…

La copertina del webinar

Full video, “The secret gateway to Switzerland”

Andrea Schenone, president of the "Swiss Federalism" association, explained what the federal government can offer in an EVE Elite Value…

Biodiversity of Switzerland’s agricultural land is surveyed

Agroscope's "ALL-EMA" programme of controls and measures focuses on the diversity of flora and fauna in the cultivated habitats of the…

Il codice a barre di un ipotetico certificato COVID

In Switzerland, the COVID19 certificate is universal and cannot be falsified

Until the end of May, the federal government will pursue two scenarios: one from the Federal Office of Information Technology and…

Il logotipo dell'Istituto Universitario Federale per la Formazione Professionale (IUFFP) in lingua inglese

SFIVET is on its way to full academic status

In 2022, the Federal College of Applied Sciences in Zollikofen, attended by 16,000 people a year ago, will be even more attractive

La nota schermata di Facebook che indica una pagina censurata dall'algoritmo

The unsustainable and eternal stupidity of the censorship algorithm

Censorship always derives from a paternalistic and offensive vision of the people: from "Braghettone" to Facebook, its mechanisms have…

Il Campus Lerchenfeld di San Gallo visto dall'alto

Innovation Park East in the Swiss National Circuit

Government approval for the Lerchenfeld and Buchs Campus facilities, supported by the cantons of St. Gallen, Appenzell Ausserrhoden and…

Un'elegante elaborazione del marchio 'Swiss made'

IPI and Swiss export industry join forces

In 2020, the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property acted in 280 cases of violation of "Swissness" legislation, but now there are…

La triste chiusura di un esercizio commerciale

Here’s why people don’t like insurance against pandemics

Companies have conveyed to the Federal Council their opposition to annual premiums that are parafiscal in nature and useful only if they…

La scritta 'razzismo' in tedesco su una macchina da scrivere

Racism emerged in counseling activities in Switzerland

A trilingual federal report documented and analyzed the 572 cases of 2020 racial discrimination in the workplace or neighborhood