La conferenza stampa di presentazione di Innovabiomed a Verona

“Mirandola’s biomedical? World excellence of Europe”

The ideas and wishes of the promoters and organizers of Veronafiere, Confindustria Dispositivi Medici, Confimi Industria Sanità and…

La conferenza stampa di presentazione di Innovabiomed a Verona

“Innovabiomed”: 20 happening, 100 speakers, lots of networking

Everything is ready for the second edition of the event dedicated to the biomedical industry scheduled for 2 and 3 July at the Palaexpo…

La silhouette di due persone protagoniste di un'intervista

In Strasbourg, Switzerland is for the protection of journalists

Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga informed the ministers of the Council of Europe of a national action plan for the protection of…

Ignazio Cassis, Consigliere Federale, con Alexander Schallenberg, Ministro degli Esteri dell'Austria

New strategic partnership between Switzerland and Austria

On June 11, Ministers Ignazio Cassis and Alexander Schallenberg will sign an agreement on the strengthening of interests and mutual…

I prodotti di sicurtà proteggono aziende e nuclei familiari

In a webinar the revolution of the (re)insurance industry

Thursday, June 10, at 4 p.m., an engaging online meeting on the topic of the new IFRS 17 standard, featuring top experts from EFFAS, SFAA…

Tessere della Gabella del grano con contromarca a forma di corona

When the real problem is not the “how much” but the “why”

The issue of tax pressure in Italy is never addressed from the point of view of the people, but always and only from the technical point of…

From ch Foundation a journalistic podcast on federalism

A project of the Bernese Stiftung will focus on the innovative power of the division of powers in Switzerland, but also on the difficulties…

L'edizione 2018 del network place

The “Innovabiomed” biomedical exhibition in Verona on 2-3 July

European scientific research and medical device manufacturing meet at the Verona Congress Centre

Imprese orientate ai dati come percentuale del numero totale in settori specifici nelle sezioni NOGA

Good performance of the digital economy in Switzerland

Federal Institute of Intellectual Property report shows high Swiss competitiveness compared to other countries in non-personalized data

La 131esima sessione del Comitato dei Ministri del Consiglio d'Europa organizzata ad Amburgo (Germania) il 21 maggio 2021

Ignazio Cassis at the Council of Europe for digital rights

In Hamburg, the Federal Councillor and head of the FDFA underlined the risks associated with digitalisation, without wanting to put…


New inheritance law effective January 1, 2023

In future, Swiss heirs will be able to freely dispose of a larger portion of the estate, with a reduction for their children from three…

Ursula Von der Leyen, presidente della Commissione Europea, e Guy Parmelin, presidente della Confederazione Svizzera

Three degrees of separation between Switzerland and the European Union

Invalidable for the Federal Council are the obstacles of wage protection, the directive on the free movement of EU citizens and state aid

Una pagella scolastica italiana d'altri tempi e chiarissima

Don’t ask us for words: in Italy we no longer have any…

The evolution of the bureaucratic language of the Belpaese does not move towards simplification, but towards farce: an idiom that, by now,…

La facciata sud di Casa von Wattenwyl nella 'città vecchia' di Berna affacciata sul fiume Aar

The “von Wattenwyl talks” and the search for a compromise

Since February 1970 in the "old town" of Bern, the Federal Councillors have been meeting with the leaders of the parties in the Executive…

Il logotipo dell'edizione 2021 della

In Basel on 27-28 May the “Conference on Federalism”

The intersection of the Swiss system of power-sharing and dynamism is the theme of the sixth tri- or quadrennial happening expected in the…