Andrea Schenone

The Founder and President of the association


Originally from the Ligurian hinterland, Andrea Schenone graduated in Economics at the University of Genoa and embarked on a management and consulting career in the financial sector, within large and prestigious international players in the insurance and banking sectors, for six years in Italy (Genoa and Milan) and for over fifteen in Zurich. In 2015 he obtained a Master in Business Administration from the University of Wales. A Swiss and Italian citizen, he is currently a member of the National Association of Swiss Analysts (SFAA) and of the Scientific Committee of the Milton Friedman Institute. He represents the National Association of Swiss Analysts (SFAA) in EFFAS, the European Federation of Financial Analysts. He serves as the representative for Switzerland of the prestigious American organization Global Chamber of Business Leaders. He has been following politics from behind the scenes, by personal choice, for over twenty years: a critical and free spirit, he has always been a convinced federalist, and in 2019 he founded the Swiss Federalism Association in the Swiss Confederation to promote federalism, direct democracy and the Swiss state model at the international level, to support small and medium-sized enterprises beyond the Alpine borders and also to protect the Italian language beyond the Gotthard.