La pietra d'inciampo collocata in memoria dell’orologiaia giurassiana Irene Breton, vittima della strage di Bologna

In Bologna a stumbling stone for the only Swiss victim

The memory of Irene Breton, watchmaker from Jura, among the 85 cobblestones laid in memory of the people killed by terrorism on August 2, 1980

Eighty-five stumbling stones to commemorate as many victims of the Bologna massacre, placed about thirteen meters apart, along the path between Piazza del Nettuno and Piazzale Medaglie d’Oro: an “ordeal” faced every year by thousands of people, starting from the tragic August 2, 1980.

Even a wrong idea of State can generate holocausts

La pietra d'inciampo collocata in memoria dell’orologiaia giurassiana Irene Breton, vittima della strage di Bologna
The stumbling stone placed in memory of the Jura watchmaker Irene Breton, victim of the Bologna massacre

Memory stops between Piazza XX Settembre and Viale Pietramellara

One of them, which Swiss citizens and memory lovers will be able to see in person at the corner of Piazza XX Settembre and Viale Pietramellara, therefore in the immediate vicinity of the station, should they pass through the capital of Emilia-Romagna, recalls the only Swiss victim of the terrorist attack that split Italy in two and bloodied it forty-one years ago, also causing two hundred wounded with mutilations and burns of various degrees.
In French-speaking Switzerland there is in fact a family for whom the celebrations of the national holiday of August 1st, even that of the 730th birthday of the homeland in this year 2021, have been turning into a painful recurrence in the space of a few hours for more than eight years.
Irene Breton, married to Boudouban, was sixty-one years old, she was a watchmaker and lived with her husband in Delémont, capital of Canton Jura, although she was originally from nearby Boncourt, when she was involved in the tragic and violent explosion.

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Il treno Schweiz-Adria Express 13534 Ancona-Basilea colpito dall'attentato di Bologna del 2 agosto 1980
The Schweiz-Adria Express 13534 Ancona-Basel train hit by the Bologna bombing on August 2, 1980

Schweiz-Adria Express 13534 Ancona-Basel at Platform 1

The available information about her are really reduced to a minimum, but at 10:25 a.m. of that summer day on the first track of the railway station of Bologna, the train Schweiz-Adria Express 13534 Ancona-Basilea was stopped. She was travelling with her husband, who miraculously survived…

Violence towards the Secretariat of Migration and Asylum Centers

From the latter, there remains a letter sent on November 8 to the Coordination Center for the victims of the massacre of August 2, 1980, at the Department of Social Security of the City of Bologna: “Gentlemen, I thank you very much for the letter you sent me on October 18 and which you took the trouble to translate into French. Although I have fortunately personally escaped the physical consequences of the August 2nd attack, I lost my wife in this tragedy. The loss is first of all affective; but it also poses problems of another nature, which I have been facing ever since. I think I have the right to demand, as far as I am concerned, the application of the law passed by the Italian Parliament on August 13. I congratulate you for having taken the initiative to set up a College of civil parties with a view to the application of this law, and I ask you to take note of my adhesion and thank you for keeping me informed of your steps forward, which, I hope, will progress towards a conclusion as quickly as possible. Please appreciate, Gentlemen, my best regards.”

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La pietra d'inciampo collocata in memoria dell’orologiaia giurassiana Irene Breton, vittima della strage di Bologna
The stumbling stone placed in memory of the Jura watchmaker Irene Breton, victim of the Bologna massacre

A successful idea of professional journalist Aldo Balzarelli

The cobblestones of memory, inspired by the “Stolpersteine” of the German artist Gunter Demnig and brought to Emilia-Romagna from an idea of the journalist Aldo Balzanelli, are an initiative organized by Cantiere Bologna, 6000 Sardine and Cucine Popolari, in collaboration with the Municipality of Bologna and the Association of the families of the victims of the massacre of August 2.
They have been designed with the collaboration of some students of the two-year course of Decoration for Architecture of the Academy of Fine Arts of the city of Bologna, and financed with the residual funds of the collection organized last year for the artistic installation that filled Via Indipendenza in the absence of the procession, blocked in 2020 by COVID-19: in addition to artistic performances, a year ago there were three multimedia totems that presented the faces and stories of the 85 victims.

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Manifesto commemorativo dell'anniversario della strage di Bologna del 2 agosto 1980
Poster commemorating the anniversary of the Bologna massacre on August 2, 1980

Also a commemorative video by the narrator Sonia Aldrovandi

The Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the narrator Sonia Aldrovandi, who had previously been entrusted with the task of remembering Mrs. Irene Breton in Boudouban, got in touch with her son, now an adult, through a commemorative video similar to those made for the other 85 martyrs of what remains the most serious event in the history of terrorism on Italian soil.

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Il treno Schweiz-Adria Express 13534 Ancona-Basilea colpito dall'attentato di Bologna del 2 agosto 1980
The Schweiz-Adria Express 13534 Ancona-Basel train hit by the Bologna bombing on August 2, 1980