Europe remains the “second home” of the Swiss abroad

At the end of 2020, more than one in ten Swiss citizens lived abroad, particularly in France, with an increase in women and the over-65s

At the end of 2020, more than one in ten Swiss citizens lived abroad. Just under two-thirds were based in Europe, particularly France.
Their number increased by 0.7 percent compared to 2019. The progression of people aged 65 and over is much sharper (+2.8 percent).
Overall, according to the results of the statistics of the Swiss abroad carried out by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), the proportion of women continues to be higher than that of men.
In 2020, 776,300 Swiss nationals were registered at the relevant diplomatic representations abroad, which is 0.7 percent more than in 2019.
However, this increase is less significant than those recorded in 2019 and 2018 (+1.4 and +1.1 percent, respectively).

In der EU-EFTA niedergelassene Schweizer nach Wohnsitzstaat 1993-2020
Im Ausland niedergelassene Schweizer nach Wohnsitzstaat 1993-2020

Cittadini svizzeri all'estero per Paese di residenza e cittadinanza multipla, 2020
Swiss citizens abroad by country of residence and multiple nationality, 2020

In Oceania a significant percentage increase

Compared to 2019, the number of Swiss nationals increased in Europe (+1.4 percent) and Oceania (+0.7 percent), while it decreased in America (-0.2 percent), Asia (-1.0 percent) and Africa (-2.9 percent).
Of the 490,800 Swiss abroad who lived in Europe (63 percent), 200,900 were based in France and its overseas territories, which thus hosted the largest community in 2020.
Behind France were Germany (94,600 persons), Italy (50,200), the United Kingdom (37,700) and Spain (24,500).
In all of these countries the number of Swiss nationals rose, with the largest increase in Germany (+2.5%) and the smallest increase in France (+0.5%).


Cittadini svizzeri residenti all'estero, 2020
Swiss citizens living abroad, 2020

Almost 122,000 people in the United States and Canada

On the other continents, 285,500 Swiss citizens resided, of whom 24% were in America, 7% in Asia, 4% in Oceania and 2% in Africa.
The largest communities of Swiss outside Europe were in the United States (81,300 persons), Canada (40,600), Australia (25,700) and Israel (21,400).
In all of these countries there was progression, the most important in Israel, which marked a 2.6 percent increase over 2019.

Suisses établis dans l’UE-AELE selon le pays de résidence,1993-2020

Struttura dell'età della popolazione, 2020
Age structure of the population, 2020

Nine expatriate centenarians for every 10,000 people

At the end of 2020, Swiss expatriates under the age of 18 accounted for 21.1 percent, or 163,800 people, a number that was almost stable compared to the previous year.
There were 440,000 people aged 18 to 64 (56.7 percent) and 172,500 people aged 65 or older (22.2 percent).
For the latter group, the increase was particularly marked: +2.8% over the previous year, compared with only 0.2% for the group aged 18 to 64.
In addition, there were 662 centenarians among the Swiss abroad, which gives a ratio of nine centenarians for every 10,000 people.
For the Swiss population within their own borders, this ratio did not exceed 2 centenarians per 10,000 persons.

Svizzeri all'estero, 2020
Swiss abroad, 2020

Females outnumber males 54% and 46% respectively

On the various continents, a higher number of Swiss women living abroad than men was generally observed, in proportions of 54 and 46 percent respectively in 2020.
This situation was found in Europe, America, Africa and Oceania, with shares ranging from 52% for Africa to 56% for Europe.
In Asia, on the other hand, at 55 percent, men were in the majority.

Svizzeri residenti nell’UE-AELS secondo il Paese di residenza 1993-2020
Svizzeri all’estero secondo il Paese di residenza 1993-2020

Cittadini svizzeri che vivono all'estero, 2020
Swiss citizens living abroad, 2020
Struttura d'età degli svizzeri residenti all'estero in determinati Paesi di residenza, 2020
Age structure of Swiss living abroad in selected countries of residence, 2020
Struttura d'età degli svizzeri residenti all'estero nei paesi vicini, 2020
Age structure of Swiss living abroad in neighbouring countries, 2020

I 20 Paesi di residenza più frequenti degli svizzeri all'estero per fascia d'età, 2020
The 20 most frequent countries of residence of the Swiss abroad by age group, 2020

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