Night sky over the church Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

The night of St. Lawrence between traditions and legends

According to tradition, on the night of August 10, St. Lawrence's Day by observing the sky, one can admire shooting stars and make wishes.

Il logotipo del

Federalism Award 2022 to the Forum for Italian in Switzerland

The Forum for Italian in Switzerland wins the Federalism Award for its commitment to the Italian language and culture taking into account…


High school maturity adjustment for exam-free access to universities

The Federal Council has launched the consultation process for the total revision of the Matura Ordinance (MCO) and the Administrative…

Convegno L'italofonia e il ruolo del servizio pubblico dei media by CORSI

Conference Italophony and the role of public service media

On Saturday, 7 May 2022, the Forum St. Katharinen in St. Gallen hosted the conference L'italofonia e il ruolo del servizio pubblico dei…

Città del Vaticano

Swiss Papal Guard recruits Oath

On May 6 of each year, on the anniversary of the sack of Rome in 1527, the new recruits solemnly take their oath in the San Damaso…

Conference “Italophonie and the role of public service media”

Analysis of the situation of Italian in the context of Swiss plurilingualism considering: the demographic and sociolinguistic aspect, the…

Crasi fra le bandiere della Confederazione Svizzera e della Repubblica Italiana

Innovation and energy policy between Switzerland and Italy 

Since the establishment of the Italian state in 1861, Switzerland and Italy have enjoyed traditionally good relations, characterised by…

La più grande bandiera svizzera del mondo montata sul Säntis in occasione della festa nazionale del 1. Agosto

Public holidays in the Swiss Confederation

In Switzerland, the 26 cantons that make up the Swiss Confederation are free to set their own public holidays, with the exception of 1…

Svizzera e Liechtenstein intendono lasciare un'impronta comune

Excellent bilateral relations between Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Relations between Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein are excellent, and the two countries are bound by strong ties of…

Castello Miramare - Trieste

Free entry to Italian museums and parks for AIRE registered Italians

Italian citizens living abroad who are registered in the Italian Registry Office (AIRE) are entitled to free admission to museums,…

Biblioteca Am Guisanplatz BiG © Mediateca DDPS

Swiss libraries launch new national platform

The Library Am Guisanplatz (BiG), the Alexandria Library Network, together with 490 libraries are now part of the National Library Network…

Museo dogane ©BAZG

Swiss Customs Museum opens exhibition season

The Customs Museum presents the tasks of the FCA and explains what the borders and border guards are used for, in the past and today.

alpe sinfonietta

The Alpen Sinfonietta Journeys – music for bees

This project stems from the awareness of the proponents of the fundamental role of pollinating insects and their importance for the…


The alpine season as candidate for the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO

An emblematic tradition of mountain areas, the alpine season could soon be inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural…

Czech Rep. Schweiz

State Secretary Hirayama’s working visit to Czech Republic

On March 29, 2022, Martina Hirayama, Secretary of State for Education, Research and Innovation, will meet with Czech Minister of Education,…

La diffusione della lingua romancia nei Grigioni

Rumantsch: a language to discover

Romansh (Rumantsch, Romontsch, Rumauntsch) is the fourth national language of Switzerland and is spoken in the trilingual canton of…