August 15 holiday with different traditions

Of very ancient pagan origins, this holiday is celebrated in many Catholic countries as the Feast of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven.

Statua di Ottaviano Augusto primo degli imperatori romani
Statue of Octavian Augustus first of the Roman emperors

A holiday with ancient origins

The name of the holiday of Ferragosto comes from the Latin feriae Augusti (Augustus’ rest), in honor of Octavian Augustus, the first Roman emperor, after whom August is named. The emperor instituted this festival in 18 B.C. to celebrate the end of summer agricultural work and the fertility gods Conso and Opi.

As part of the festivities, horse races were held throughout the empire, and draft animals-oxes, donkeys, and mules-were dispensed from work and decorated with flowers.

Religious Recurrence

August 15 is the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, a dogma of faith of the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and part of the Anglican Church. On this day, according to tradition, Mary, mother of Jesus, ascended to heaven body and soul after her earthly life.

The Catholic Church around the 7th century began celebrating this day, which later became dogma with Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950.

Proclamation of the Dogma of the Assumption – Video in English

Proclamation of the Dogma of the Assumption – Video in italian

The Orthodox Church, celebrates the Dormition (from Latin dormitio), or passing, of Mary since a section of theologians believed that the Mother of Jesus would merely fall into a deep sleep, and later be assumed into heaven. Among the Orthodox and Armenians, neither the Dormition nor the Assumption of Mary constitute dogmas.

Mosaico "dormition of the theotokos" a Cipro
Mosaic “dormition of the theotokos” in Cyprus

Protestants, do not believe in the Assumption of Mary, as it is not narrated in the Gospel but the Anglican Church in 2005 declared through a document of the International Catholic Anglican Commission that it accepted the Assumption of Mary, but not as dogma.

Principality of Liechtenstein

The Principality of Liechtenstein celebrates National Day on on August 15th. During this celebration, not only is the Assumption of Mary (Mariä Himmelfahrt) remembered but also the Birthday Day of Prince Franz Joseph II of Liechtenstein (1906- 1989) who, although born on August 16, is remembered on August 15 to coincide with the date of the Assumption.

The prince was one of the Principality’s most notable figures in that during World War II he managed to keep the Principality neutral and inviolate, and soon after he led Liechtenstein’s economic development from a predominantly agricultural economy to becoming one of the states with the highest per capita income.

Liechtenstein National Day 2022 Brochure (in German)

Festeggiamenti nel mondo

In several predominantly Catholic European countries August 15 is a state-recognized holiday, but celebrations vary by state.

In Spain Traditionally Catholic country it is a very important religious holiday celebrated with processions, fireworks displays etc.

In Italy it is traditional to organize out-of-town trips or small outings lasting a day or a weekend. Religious processions are also organized where the Statue of Mary of the Assumption is carried through the streets of the town or city.  On this day some localities celebrate Mary Assumed into Heaven as the patron saint of the country for which stalls, fireworks displays, raffles etc are also organized in addition to the religious festival.


Una spiaggia affollata a Tropea, Calabria Italy
A crowded beach in Tropea, Calabria Italy Photo by Massimo Virgilio on Unsplash

In Ireland the Assumption is called by the Gaelic name ‘Féile Mhuire ‘sa bhFomhar‘ and an ancient legend has it that bathing in the sea on August 15 has a health-promoting effect.

In Switzerland it is celebrated only in some Catholic cantons while in Germany it is celebrated only in Bavaria and Saarland.

In Cyprus it is celebrated only in the area of the Republic of Cyprus.

In Canada Acadian Day is celebrated to commemorate Acadia, the first French colony. Instead, the Virgin Mary is celebrated as she is featured in the flag of the Acadia region, which symbolizes her with a star.

In India, “Independence Day” is celebrated in which the country’s independence from the United Kingdom is commemorated by the Indian Independence Act 1947, which came into effect on August 15, 1947.

In South America it is celebrated in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Venezuela.