100 Jahre Schweizer Franken im Fürstentum Liechtenstein

100 years ago Liechtenstein embraced the Swiss franc

On April 11, 1924, the Principality of Liechtenstein officially adopted the Swiss franc as its legal tender, abandoning the Austrian krone.…

Electronic payment and receipt Image by Obsahovka from Pixabay

Value Added Tax (VAT) Rates Worldwide: Overview of Consumption Taxes

The Value Added Tax (VAT) is one of the primary revenue collection tools in many countries around the world and can vary significantly from…

Accordo Liechtenstein Italia

Liechtenstein and Italy sign against double taxation

As part of a virtual signing ceremony, Head of Government and Minister of Finance Daniel Risch, together with his Italian counterpart…

Maximumkarte mit Einzelbriefmare (Sujet Liechtenstein) Image by zollvertrag.li

100 Years of Switzerland-Liechtenstein Customs Treaty

On March 29, 1923, Liechtenstein and Switzerland signed the treaty to include the Principality of Liechtenstein into the Swiss customs…

Una Roulette Image by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay

People of Liechtenstein reject casino ban with clear NO vote

In the Principality of Liechtenstein, an initiative to ban casinos was voted on where it called for the closure of existing ones within the…

Bahnhof Schaan-Vaduz Photo by Azby on German Wikipedia

Liechtenstein celebrates Monument Day and 150 years of the railway

The Feldkirch-Schaan/Vaduz-Buchs railway line was built in 1872 with a great impact on the economic development of the country. The…

Una spiaggia affollata a Tropea, Calabria Italy

August 15 holiday with different traditions

Of very ancient pagan origins, this holiday is celebrated in many Catholic countries as the Feast of Mary's Assumption into Heaven.

Europe inflation Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

Inflation: Causes and consequences

Inflation is the result of poor economic policy Irresponsible leaders have pursued easy money as a solution to economic woes Governments…

Vaduz Castle in Spring after rain - Photo by Henrique Ferreira on Unsplash

Climate Strategy 2050 submitted for public consultation in Liechtenstein

The government launched the public consultation on Climate Strategy 2050 and adopted the consultation report on raising the climate target…

Svizzera e Liechtenstein intendono lasciare un'impronta comune

Excellent bilateral relations between Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Relations between Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein are excellent, and the two countries are bound by strong ties of…

Regione Alpina

Alpine Convention

The Alpine Convention was the first international treaty in the world to consider a transnational mountain area in its entirety

Quo vadis, Europe?

In the aftermath of the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, Europe has been brutally confronted with its inability as a geopolitical…

Il logotipo del Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all'Estero (CGIE)

What is the “General Council of Italians Abroad”?

Let's discover the international body that advises the Government and Parliament on major issues of interest to Italians who do not live in…

Il Ministro britannico per l'Europa, Wendy Morton, e la Ministra degli Esteri del Liechtenstein, Dominique Hasler

Free trade “to the max” between the United Kingdom and Liechtenstein

Minister Dominique Hasler signed in London the most comprehensive agreement ever for the Principality's access to another country's markets

Guy Parmelin, presidente della Confederazione Svizzera, e Gudni Jóhannesson, Presidente della Repubblica d'Islanda

North an important informal meeting of EFTA ministers

Swiss President, Guy Parmelin, in Siglufjördur to talk with Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein about tariff-free market, EU and UK

Guy Parmelin, presidente della Confederazione Elvetica, con il presidente della Repubblica Federale Tedesca, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, il Granduca del Lussemburgo, Enrico, il Principe ereditario Alois del Liechtenstein, il Re del Belgi, Filippo, e il presidente della Repubblica Austriaca, Alexander Van der Bellen

Guy Parmelin saw the heads of state of the German-speaking countries

Two days in Potsdam for the President of the Swiss Confederation and his counterparts from Germany, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Belgium and…