Un evento organizzato da Swissnex negli USA

Twenty years of unexpected encounters and successes for Swissnex

Swissnex bridges the gap between Switzerland and other countries in the fields of education, research and innovation by presenting an overview of an extraordinary year full of events, challenges and ideas

Swissnex acts as a bridge between Switzerland and other countries in the field of education, research and innovation (ERI), fostering the exchange of knowledge, ideas and talent across national borders and strengthening Switzerland’s reputation as a center of excellence in research and innovation.

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Last year Swissnex blew out its 20th candle and, as part of the “nex20” campaign, took the opportunity to reflect on the opportunities and challenges facing the Swiss ERI sector in the future
The Swissnex Annual Report 2020 (annualreport.swissnex.org) presents an overview of an extraordinary year full of events, challenges and ideas.

Un bloc-notes con il logotipo Swissnex
A notepad with the Swissnex logo

Four years ago the foundation of the organization in Boston

Twenty years have passed since Swissnex was founded in Boston. The goal was to increase the visibility of Switzerland and its enormous innovation potential through a greater international presence.

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Today, Swissnex represents a unique interconnection platform, a global network that, through the exchange of knowledge, ideas and talents can help shape the world of tomorrow.

Un evento culturale organizzato da Swissnex
A cultural event organized by Swissnex

“nex20”: a glimpse into the future of the Swiss ERI cluster

For Swissnex, this anniversary was an opportunity to reflect on the future in various ways: how will the Swiss education, research and innovation (ERI) cluster be positioned internationally in the next 20 years?
What tasks will Swissnex have in 2040 and how will it respond to the new requirements of its partners? Under the slogan “nex20 – connecting tomorrow”, a variety of activities in different formats were organized around four themes: “Learning Tomorrow”, “Meeting Tomorrow”, “Working Tomorrow” and “Living Tomorrow”.

How the Swiss export industry focuses on innovation
More flexibility in promoting Swiss innovation

For example, a 48-hour global event with various IT specialists (hackathon) was held in India, the “nexHack Edtech”, in which 130 people from 45 countries worked together to find solutions to reduce the obstacles still facing education.

Supported 53 Swiss start-ups and carried out 210 activities

In 2020, Swissnex carried out more than 210 activities and events in cooperation with about 190 Swiss partner organizations, supported 53 Swiss start-ups in their internationalization process, and promoted the exchange of ideas between different actors on various topics relevant to the ERI sector.
These figures underscore the value and usefulness of Swissnex: Its locations enable ERI players in the respective countries to communicate with their Swiss counterparts and establish contacts that would otherwise be difficult to establish.

2.6 billion in value from the Zurich Innovation Park
Switzerland will have an ad hoc ambassador for… science

These unexpected encounters, made possible by Swissnex, allow project partners to explore new avenues and make them more competitive internationally.
Swiss players, as well as our country’s research and innovation cluster, benefit from internationalization in the ERI sector, as it fosters the exchange of knowledge and the mobility of talent.
Swissnex is Switzerland’s global network connecting education, research and innovation. Its mission is to support the dissemination and active engagement of partners in the international exchange of knowledge, ideas and talent.

Un evento organizzato da Swissnex in Cina
An event organized by Swissnex in China

Five SEFRI locations in the world’s most innovative centers

The five main offices are located in the world’s most innovative centers and contribute, together with the 20 or so scientific advisors at Swiss embassies, to strengthening Switzerland’s profile as a world-class innovation hub.
Swissnex is an initiative of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and is part of the Confederation’s external network, led by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
Swissnex activities are based on a cooperative approach involving various partnerships and public and private funding.

Un evento di metadesign organizzato da Swissnex
A metadesign event organized by Swissnex