Switzerland-Liechtenstein pact on scientific innovation

Cooperation agreement between Bern and Vaduz on the promotion of research-based modernization renewed on January 26 via Innosuisse

The Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein have renewed and deepened cross-border cooperation in the field of innovation

On January 26, 2021, Bern and Vaduz renewed the agreement on the promotion of science-based modernization that has bound the two countries for the past four years.

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L'impronta del pollice della... Svizzera
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The already close and fruitful cooperation between the two countries will be further deepened in this important area.

This agreement, signed by the Secretary of State, Martina Hirayama, and Liechtenstein’s Ambassador to Switzerland, Doris Frick, ensures that Innosuisse, the Swiss Agency for the Promotion of Innovation, can continue to make its expertise in the field of promoting science-based innovation available to the Alpine Principality.

First agreement renewed in 2016

On November 11, 2016, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Swiss Confederation for the first time concluded a four-year agreement to promote science-based innovation in the interests of both countries and to offer Swiss and Liechtenstein implementing partners the opportunity to cooperate with the most suitable research institutions in both countries to implement their projects.

To this end, Innosuisse has been evaluating and accompanying innovative projects involving research and implementation partners in Vaduz since 2017, including projects without Swiss participation supported by the Principality.

L'impronta del pollice del... Liechtenstein
The thumbprint of the… Liechtenstein

Since 2018, the University of Liechtenstein has participated in about ten projects, mostly in the areas of social sciences and business management.

A former Commission for Technology and Innovation.

Companies from the Principality, on the other hand, submitted some 40 applications to Bern as potential implementing partners, mainly in the field of engineering.

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With the renewal of the agreement, the successful collaboration between Switzerland and Liechtenstein will be continued and supplemented with additional services by Innosuisse (formerly the Commission for Technology and Innovation) aimed at supporting science and technology-based start-ups through individual coaching.

Il ponte sul fiume Reno tra Sevelen (Svizzera) e Vaduz (Liechtenstein)
The bridge over the Rhine between Sevelen (Switzerland) and Vaduz (Liechtenstein)