Crasi fra le bandiere della Federazione Russa e della Confederazione Svizzera

There is a customs memorandum of understanding between Russia and Switzerland

The primary objective of the MoU signed by Bern and Moscow, although non-binding, is to advance technical collaboration and the exchange of best practices

On June 9, 2021, the Federal Customs Administration (FCA) and the Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Moscow on customs cooperation.

That isolated Russian flag on a remote peak of the Alps

Il Museo Svizzero delle Dogane a Cantine di Gandria (Ticino)
The Swiss Customs Museum in Cantine di Gandria (Ticino)

Interlocutions between AFD and FCS started in September 2019

Exploratory discussions held in September 2019 between the FCA and the Russian authorities had indeed revealed that both administrative units are currently facing similar challenges, namely, on the one hand, the digitization of processes and on the other hand, organizational reforms.
In addition, the desire was expressed to intensify contact at the specialist level.
In this regard, the FCA and the SFC agreed to define the intensification of collaboration in a legally non-binding MoU.

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Bandiera della Confederazione Svizzera
Flag of the Swiss Confederation
Bandiera della Federazione Russa
Flag of the Russian Federation

From Memorandum of Understanding to technical exchange

The main objective of the MoU is to advance technical cooperation and the exchange of best practices in various areas.
It also offers the possibility of optimizing processes in cross-border goods traffic between the two countries.
In both Switzerland and Russia, the MoU is implemented through bilateral meetings and seminars at expert level.

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Personale dell'Amministrazione Federale delle Dogane in servizio come Guardia di Frontiera
Federal Customs Administration personnel serving as border guards