Guy Parmelin, sul massiccio di massiccio di Les Diablerets, in occasione dell'allocuzione del primo agosto 2021

Guy Parmelin: “Yesterday’s values will be tomorrow’s…”

Speech of the President of the Swiss Confederation on National Day 2021 from the Vaud summit of Les Diablerets at 3000 meters

Il proiettore stilizzato tradizionale di un cinema

Public funds for nine Swiss film festivals

The Federal Office of Culture will sign a CHF 4 million performance contract for the period 2022-2025 with well-known film festivals

L'hinterland di Berna è stato oggetto di un processo di urbanizzazione

Home ownership: strong rise in demand and prices

Zurich and Zug, the Lake Geneva arc and the Bern agglomeration have seen a rapid drying up of the rental market, with obvious results...

Il Politecnico Federale di Zurigo

Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology in the world top 15

Good performance of Swiss universities in the latest QS World University Ranking, with ETH eighth and EPFL 14th for internationality and…

Una donna sottoposta a trattamento degradante

Active the European Committee for the prevention of torture

During their 11-day stay, the delegation visited various detention facilities in the cantons of Geneva, Vaud, Aargau, Solothurn, Bern and…

Rudolf Aebersold, vincitore del Premio Marcel Benoist 2020, con Guy Parmelin, presidente della Confederazione Svizzera (fotografo Markus Jegerlehner

Applications open for the “Marcel Benoist Science Prize”

After the low-profile centennial cause COVID, 250,000 francs will reward in 2021 the best studies carried out in the field of humanities…