Medici di pronto soccorso pronti a intervenire

Stages and members of the Commission on Quality of Care.

The Federal Council appointed the 15 experts who will monitor the enhancement of goodness and affordability of medical services under the…

Giacarta conta ben 10,7 milioni di abitanti

Switzerland-Indonesia: Cooperation in the four-year period 2021-2024

SECO will provide $65 million in grants to support Jakarta in becoming a more competitive, resilient, and equitable economy

L'esito (positivo) di un test per il COVID19

COVID19 & Switzerland: reopenings yes, but free exams for all

Il Consiglio Federale desidera che la Confederazione si assuma l'intero costo dei test fai-da-te per incentivare la popolazione a farsi…

Gli hamburger vanno per la maggiore in Svizzera

Food in Switzerland: 30 billion turnover

According to the Federal Office of Agriculture, compared to 2019, the turnover of the trade of food and beverages recorded an increase of…

Il futuro del pianeta risiede nelle nuove tecnologie

More flexibility in promoting Swiss innovation

Innosuisse and the SNSF will have more room for manoeuvre and be more responsive in their support of renovation projects and start-ups.


Switzerland and six other EU countries together for the Nutri-Score

Transnational coordination mechanism on the "food traffic light" with Bern and the authorities of Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the…

Il Cervino o Matterhorn è una montagna delle Alpi alta 4478 metri

Switzerland’s long-term climate strategy

On January 27, the Federal Council deliberated on all the modalities for submitting a neutral greenhouse gas emissions budget by the year…

L'annuncio della nascita dell'HERA via Twitter

Veneto candidate to host EU “anticoronavirus” authority

Sent by the "governor" Luca Zaia the dossier for the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority to the President of the Italian…

Le Regioni europee hanno cercato di fare squadra contro il coronavirus

24 Regions to Europe: “Involve us in the Recovery Plan…”

On December 3, EU heavyweights wrote to Brussels to "participate at the highest level in discussions," while respecting the principle of…