La città di Zurigo è attraversata dal fiume Limmat

Here are the most livable and the most expensive cities in the world

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), and ECA International have released their rankings of the best and most expensive cities to live in.

Il proiettore stilizzato tradizionale di un cinema

Public funds for nine Swiss film festivals

The Federal Office of Culture will sign a CHF 4 million performance contract for the period 2022-2025 with well-known film festivals

L'hinterland di Berna è stato oggetto di un processo di urbanizzazione

Home ownership: strong rise in demand and prices

Zurich and Zug, the Lake Geneva arc and the Bern agglomeration have seen a rapid drying up of the rental market, with obvious results...

Il Politecnico Federale di Zurigo

Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology in the world top 15

Good performance of Swiss universities in the latest QS World University Ranking, with ETH eighth and EPFL 14th for internationality and…

Vladimir Putin, presidente della Federazione Russa, e Guy Parmelin, presidente della Confederazione Elvetica, a colloquio a Ginevra

Good offices and economic agreements in the Russia-Switzerland summit

Guy Parmelin and Vladimir Putin talked about the development of bilateral relations, security issues in Europe and the activity of a…

L'edificio di Villa La Grange a Ginevra

Switzerland’s bilateral meetings with the USA and Russia

In Geneva, a delegation led by Guy Parmelin, president of the Confederation, will see Joseph R. Biden Jr. between Tuesday 15 and Wednesday…

Le bandiere dei 26 Cantoni esposte a Berna all'esterno della sede del Palazzo Federale

Federal guarantee for five revised cantonal constitutions

The Swiss government asks the two branches of parliament to approve the changes to the basic maps of Uri, Schaffhausen, Aargau, Ticino and…

Referendum e iniziative al vaglio in Svizzera

Aargau, Geneva and Ticino in the foreign test on voting by mail

For the June 13 round, the 1,600 residents of Australia, Brazil and Thailand will receive half ballots from the motherland and half from…

“Swiss city statistics 2021” and urban dynamics

In the last twenty years, three quarters of the Swiss population have chosen to live in the centers: this is explained by the latest…

Una donna sottoposta a trattamento degradante

Active the European Committee for the prevention of torture

During their 11-day stay, the delegation visited various detention facilities in the cantons of Geneva, Vaud, Aargau, Solothurn, Bern and…