Berlingen - TG- Switzerland Image by Marcel Langthim from Pixabay

Abolition of rental value in Switzerland

Abolition of rental value: parliament gives green light, but with possible cantonal tax on second homes

Swiss National Bank Image by Albert Häsler from Pixabay

80 billion profit for the SNB in 2024

CHF 3 billion will be distributed to the Confederation and the cantons, while the distribution reserve is back in the positive

Meggen (LU) - Lake Lucern Image by Jozsef Farago from Pixabay

Swiss Municipalities Ranking 2024: Central Switzerland Leads the Way

The best municipalities for living in Switzerland are in Central Switzerland, with Meggen (LU) in first place, followed by Hergiswil (NW)…

Student Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Increasing mobility of Swiss graduates

Four in ten graduates attended a college of higher education outside their canton of residence

Una centrale idroelettrica

More water for electricity production

In its session on Sept. 30, 2022, the Federal Council approved an additional measure to strengthen the security of electricity supply by…

EU: Like Switzerland or more like Italy?

The EU’s future: Like Switzerland or more like Italy?

The drive to transfer ever more sovereignty from diverse member states to Brussels is turning the European Union into an inefficient,…

man and woman at work Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Conference for equal pay in the public sector 

Specialists from cantons, municipalities and parastatal companies met in Bern at a conference organized by the Federal Office for Women's…

Libertà dalle misure contro il coronavirus in Svizzera

COVID-19: Measures to restore Switzerland’s freedom

The Federal Council revokes the measures in force until the end of March, except for the isolation and the mask requirement on transport…

Un veterinario impegnato nel controllo dello stato di salute degli animali in un allevamento suino in Svizzera

Animal health: Switzerland collaborates, innovates and acts…

At the Conference of Cantonal Veterinarians on June 16, the Federal Office of Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs adopted the unprecedented…

Le bandiere dei 26 Cantoni esposte a Berna all'esterno della sede del Palazzo Federale

Federal guarantee for five revised cantonal constitutions

The Swiss government asks the two branches of parliament to approve the changes to the basic maps of Uri, Schaffhausen, Aargau, Ticino and…

From ch Foundation a journalistic podcast on federalism

A project of the Bernese Stiftung will focus on the innovative power of the division of powers in Switzerland, but also on the difficulties…

La Consigliera Federale Karin Keller-Sutter alla Conferenza sul Federalismo 2021 a Basilea

The federalism that awaits us according to Karin Keller-Sutter

During the Conference on Federalism 2021, the Federal Councillor offered an interesting point of view on the Swiss system of distribution…