Soziale Netzwerke durchdringen die moderne Zivilisation

Social networking & social media: there will be a lot more Switzerland…

A new audiovisual center is to be set up in the Federal Chancellery as part of a three-stage strategy that will also provide 14 additional jobs

The information habits and expectations of the population are changing, a development which is taken into account in the Social Media Strategy adopted by the Federal Council on 12 May 2021.
At its meeting on 23 June, the Federal Council took note of the increased personnel requirements for the implementation of the Strategy and allocated the necessary resources.
It also decided to set up an audiovisual center at the Federal Chancellery, which will provide services to the Federal Council and the departments.
To date, the Federal Administration has not made any systematic use of social media. This was the finding of the Management Committee of the National Council (CdG-N) in its report of October 15, 2019 “Public relations activities of the Confederation”.
It had recommended that the Federal Council consider the strategic orientation of the use of social media, clarify what their potential was for the public relations activities of the Confederation as well as examine the advisability of creating an audiovisual center.
The report of the CGN was the starting point for the social media strategy approved today by the Federal Council.

Strategie soziale Medien
Soziale Medien – Leitlinien

Un computer MacIntosh nel contesto di un ufficio
A MacIntosh computer in an office environment

A trio of objectives to be taken care of, including two for the Government and the Departments

With the Strategy, the Federal Council pursues three objectives; the first two concern the Government and the Departments.
Firstly, their presence in the social media should help to inform those who are difficult to reach through other channels about the most important objects, activities and decisions. This is done with objective presentations and within the framework of the information mandate.
Second, the Federal Council and departments should exploit the potential of audiovisual formats for their activities, which are often perceived as complex.
The third goal is for the Federal Council as a college to make greater use of social media to communicate on its key issues at home and abroad.
To fulfill these goals, the Federal Council will set up an audiovisual center at the Federal Chancellery that will provide services to the Federal Council, its members, and the general secretariats of the departments and produce content on important political objects for use on social media.
In addition to the existing channels on YouTube and Twitter (via the Federal Council spokesman), the Federal Council would like to address new target groups in a further phase.

Stratégie “Médias sociaux”
Médias sociaux – Lignes directrices


In 2022 a pilot Instagram account and a Twitter profile in English

To this end, it will open an Instagram account from 2022 as part of a pilot project.
In addition, also from 2022, the Federal Council will have a Twitter channel in English for specific topics aimed at an international audience. It has not yet been decided whether the Federal Council will use other social platforms in the future or which ones.
The Federal Council’s Security Policy Report 2021 states that the threat of influence activities and disinformation is increasing.
If the political affairs of the Federal Council and departments are also published on social media, this can help objectify the debate and curb misinformation.

Media sociali – Linee guida
Strategia concernente i media sociali


Le icone dei principali social network e social media
The icons of the main social networks and social media

Traditional communication to journalists remains central

Traditional communication to journalists remains central to the federal government. A diverse media landscape plays an irreplaceable role in disseminating, mediating and contextualizing opinion formation in the population.
Social media activity should therefore not be at the expense of traditional media and public relations activities; the former can only complement the latter, not replace them.

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The “European Innovation Scoreboard” 2021 (in English)

Un conto Instagram sarà una novità della comunicazione della Confederazione Elvetica
An Instagram account will be a novelty in the communication of the Swiss Confederation

A full complement of job roles between CME, Chancery and Departments

Implementing the Strategy requires resources. The Center for Electronic Media (CME) in the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sports will provide four full-time positions with no impact on the budget.
Ten positions are needed in the Departments and the Federal Chancellery for the development of content and contributions for social media as well as for channel management.
The Federal Council has taken note of this increased staffing requirement and allocated the necessary resources based on the 2021 Comprehensive Assessment of Resources in the Personnel Sector.
The increased activity on social platforms raises key issues, such as how the Federal Council handles comments on its contributions or how it uses the various possibilities for dialogue and interaction.
These and other issues will be covered in the guidelines for interactive, dialogue-based communication that have yet to be developed.
In addition, two studies will have to clarify how the use of new technologies can improve information for the population and how Federal Council information of interest to the population can be digitized for easier access.

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La comunicazione si attua su una pluralità di dispositivi
Communication is implemented on a plurality of devices