More flexibility in promoting Swiss innovation
Innosuisse and the SNSF are to be given more room for manoeuvre and be more responsive in their support of innovation projects and start-ups
On February 17, 2021, the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation approved and submitted to Parliament the dispatch concerning the amendment of the Federal Act on the Promotion of Research and Innovation.
The main objective of the draft revision is to increase the room for maneuver and flexibility of Innosuisse (the Swiss Agency for the Promotion of Innovation), particularly with regard to support for innovation projects and start-ups.
Other changes concern the reserves of Innosuisse and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
Greater room for manoeuvre for incubators
The dispatch concerning the amendment of the Federal Law on the Promotion of Research and Innovation (LPRI) provides in particular for changes in the promotion of innovation by giving Innosuisse more room for manoeuvre in certain clearly defined areas in order to fulfil its tasks in a dynamic environment.
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For example, when Innosuisse promotes innovation projects, the implementing partners (i.e., companies) will now participate in the overall project costs to the extent of 40-60 percent, whereas previously only a 50 percent participation was envisaged.
In special cases, the Agency may set the implementing partner’s participation at more than 60% or less than 40%, as is already the case under current law.
Direct promotion of projects and start-ups
The promotion of innovation projects of start-ups will have a very important weight.
From now on, Innosuisse will be entitled to directly promote the projects of these start-ups with a view to their market entry. This will accelerate the transfer of scientific knowledge into the business world and give further impetus to the start-up sector.
Today, these companies can only apply to Innosuisse for support in the areas of continuing education, coaching and internationalization and participate in innovation projects as implementing partners.
Messaggio concernente la modifica della legge federale sulla innovazione
Decreto federale sul finanziamento delle attività di Innosuisse
Legge federale sulla promozione della ricerca e dell’innovazione
Innosuisse will also have more room for manoeuvre in other areas, such as the promotion of newcomers, the support of science-based entrepreneurship and the transfer of knowledge and technology, as well as in the compensation of indirect research costs (overhead) for federally supported competence centers for technology.
Other legislative changes to the maximum tax rate
The bill also envisages amending the provisions on the reserves of Innosuisse and the SNSF in such a way as to allow the maximum rate to be exceeded in exceptional cases and for a limited period.
In this way, Innosuisse and the SNSF will be able to carry out their promotion activities with maximum continuity.