Il progetto ReaTest di Innosuisse

Innosuisse and the SNSF will strengthen their collaboration

The Innovation Promotion Agency and the National Science Foundation aim to boost the federal government’s already high performance in science and research

The practical application of the results of scientific research is of central importance for the Swiss economy and society.

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To further strengthen the interaction between science and innovation, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and Innosuisse, the Swiss Agency for Promotion of Innovation, have signed an agreement for closer cooperation.

André Kudelski e Annalise Eggimann di Innosuisse
André Kudelski e Annalise Eggimann di Innosuisse

A common vision of the innovation chain

With this agreement, the SNSF and Innosuisse reaffirm their common vision of the innovation chain, a chain that requires coordinated and effective promotion at every step, from basic research to innovative products and services.
Because research and innovation feed off each other: the acquisition of scientific knowledge and significant advances can be translated into innovations; conversely, the challenges of the economy and society are a source of inspiration and motivation for science.

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The tasks and activities of both organizations aim to further enhance Switzerland’s high performance in research and innovation through competitive promotion.
As national organizations for the public promotion of research and innovation, Innosuisse and the SNSF are intensifying their existing cooperation. The agreement provides for greater coordination of promotion portfolios and promotion guidelines.

Il progetto ReaTest di Innosuisse
The ReaTest project of Innosuisse

BRIDGE budget increased by 50 percent

Innosuisse and the SNSF will also strengthen cooperation and information exchange at the operational and strategic levels. For example, they have decided to increase the budget of the joint BRIDGE program by 50 percent over the period 2021-2024 to 105 million francs.

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BRIDGE supports researchers who want to further improve their results with a view to a possible market launch.
The Foundation Board of the SNSF, chaired by Jürg Stahl, and the Board of Directors of Innosuisse, chaired by André Kudelski, have unanimously approved the agreement to consolidate the collaboration.

Il progetto Topadur di Innosuisse
The Topadur project of Innosuisse