October 4, 2024
Melting glaciers shift the border between Italy and Switzerland
The two countries have reached an agreement to revise the border that separates them, made necessary by melting glaciers.
July 31, 2024
Here is the new book “A Different World – scientific or pseudoscientific cocktail to keep the detractors happy”
Dr. Tiziano Gastaldi, author of several books in the field of medicine, including “The Quantum Leap in Medicine,” is also known as…

March 3, 2024
Swiss voting results of March 3, 2024
Citizens and citizens of the Swiss Confederation approve the 13th OASI and clearly reject raising the retirement age. An overview of the…
January 25, 2024
Winter Emotions in the Best Swiss Ski Resorts
Winter in Switzerland offers a unique and unforgettable experience thanks to its renowned ski resorts, framed by breathtaking scenery and…

October 22, 2023
Federal elections 2023
On Sunday 22 October 2023, Swiss voters elected the upper and lower chambers of parliament for the 2023-2027 term.
October 2, 2023
The hydroelectric turbine for rivers which will revolutionize energy production
Salvatore Mancuso, has a considerable wealth of experience and, even today is very active and dynamic with a dream: to see his invention…

July 26, 2023
Everybody ready to celebrate the Swiss national holiday
The Swiss national holiday is celebrated each August 1 and commemorates the birth of the Confederation in 1291.
April 27, 2023
St. Gotthard North-South Axis
Traffic jams with long waits are occurring more and more often, especially at the two portals of the Gotthard freeway tunnel. It often…
February 1, 2023
Renovation of the Monte Generoso Railway completed
The last section of the new track on the line leading to the peak was laid on January 31, 2023, completing the century-old railway…
October 17, 2022
Week of Italian Language in the World
The Week of the Italian Language in the World is an international cultural event that has been held every year since 2001 in October, at…
April 8, 2022
Swiss Customs Museum opens exhibition season
The Customs Museum presents the tasks of the FCA and explains what the borders and border guards are used for, in the past and today.

April 1, 2022
First “Renewable Heating” consultation now free of charge
Now, more than ever, it makes sense to heat with renewable energies: from April, property owners and condominium owners throughout…

March 30, 2022
EasyGov.swiss: saving time and costs for businesses
According to a SECO study published on 29 March, the EasyGov.swiss online service desk is highly appreciated by users from the business…

March 29, 2022
Swiss Earnings Structure Survey (ESS) 2020
In 2020, the median wage of a full-time job in the Swiss economy as a whole (private and public sector) was CHF 6665 gross per month. The…

March 26, 2022
The cow as ambassador of Switzerland
The cow is a symbol in Switzerland and can be found everywhere in different forms: in addition to seeing it grazing a bit 'everywhere in…

March 19, 2022
Swiss Railways celebrates 175 years
Swiss Federal Railways, a model of efficiency in terms of passengers, punctuality and safety are considered the best in Europe