Convegno L'italofonia e il ruolo del servizio pubblico dei media by CORSI

Conference Italophony and the role of public service media

On Saturday, 7 May 2022, the Forum St. Katharinen in St. Gallen hosted the conference L'italofonia e il ruolo del servizio pubblico dei…

Conference “Italophonie and the role of public service media”

Analysis of the situation of Italian in the context of Swiss plurilingualism considering: the demographic and sociolinguistic aspect, the…

The best cheese in the world is Swiss

Swiss Gruyere wins the 34th edition of the "World Championship Cheese Contest"


Rapperswil-Hurden wooden bridge

The wooden bridge "Holzbrücke" is a footbridge between Rapperswil (Canton St. Gallen) and Hurden (Canton Schwyz) located near the so-called…