Alessandro Loprieno è il fondatore e CEO di WeShort

Alessandro Loprieno: “Short films are our asset!”

"In Short We Trust!' is the motto of the 31-year-old entrepreneur from Puglia, who believes in a totally new approach to 'short cinema'.

Valerio Dallago: “Electromagnetism is the medicine of the future”

In the secrets of Ionorisonance treatments with Seqex devices by the Trentine entrepreneur, inspired by William Ross Adey and Carl Blackman

Gianluca Tirozzi: “This is how bitCorp will conquer metaspace!”

Confrontation with the co-founder of a cutting-edge security computing startup, working on a "low cost" quantum PC

Chuck Adams è managing director del Coeptis Consulting Group a Boise nello Stato dell'Idaho

Chuck Adams: “We love Switzerland and its creed of freedom”

The managing director of Coeptis Group, based in the U.S. state of Idaho, talks about himself at an angle and how to grow the business

Elisa Fanton è imprenditrice e ingegnere capo di IAQ-ASE, quotata azienda ticinese specializzara nella sanificazione dell'aria: il 18 settembre 2021 ha ritirato a Zurigo la coppa spettante al vincitore del Premio internazionale Start Up/PMI Innovative

Elisa Fanton: “By sanitizing the air, almost no contagion!”

Discovering IAQ-ASE, an award-winning Ticino company in Zurich that certifies the sanitization of interior spaces, in the words of the…

Eleonora Bafunno, rappresentante di Bafunno Mechanics, durante la cerimonia conclusiva del Premio Start Up e PMI Innovative il 18 settembre a Zurigo

Eleonora Bafunno: “The ‘democratic’ piano is reality”

Already the star of the Start Up/PMI Innovative Award in Zurich, the young artist and entrepreneur makes vertical pianos as functional as…

Il padovano Andrea Trevisan è il CEO della società Prometeo

Andrea Trevisan: “I’d like our technology used by everyone”

CEO of Prometeo, the Paduan entrepreneur talks about himself, the success of Quantum Electrodynamic Coherence devices and his Region

Monica Bravi, imprenditrice milanese trapiantata a Bologna, è fondatrice di MNEM, un'azienda di antropologia applicata

Monica Bravi: “I dream of becoming a serial entrepreneur”

Founder of a company that makes anthropology a support to medical care, the former Milanese manager aims at Switzerland via Bologna with…

Start Up Innovatice SME 2021 Award - Certificate Absence COVID

Innovative Start Up/SME Award also beats COVID19!

No trace of the Coronavirus in the rooms of the Zurich gala, thanks to a special machine prepared by the company New Wave Project

Il pubblico intervenuto alla cerimonia conclusiva del Premio PMI e Start Up Innovative il 18 settembre 2021 a Zurigo

Photogallery, the evening of the SME/Start Up Innovative Award

Collection of pictures of the award ceremony of the competition "Swiss Federalism, GCBL and Milton Friedman" on September 18 in Zurich

Il pubblico intervenuto alla cerimonia conclusiva del Premio PMI e Start Up Innovative il 18 settembre 2021 a Zurigo

Innovative SME/Start Up Award: the party is here (in Zurich)!

With a beautiful evening on the banks of the Limmat and the exploits of health tech companies, the first edition of the "Swiss Federalism"…

L'intervento video a Zurigo di Andrea Maria Villotti, giurato del Premio Start Up e PMI Innovative

Innovative Start Up/SME 2021 Award: the greeting of the jury

The words of the judges of the "Swiss Federalism, GCBL and Milton Friedman" competition on the eve of the awards ceremony on 18.09.21 in…

Anche nottetempo Zurigo si rivela vitale e proattiva

Innovative Start Up/SME Award: “where” and “how” to attend

Here are the ways to follow the event "Swiss Federalism, GCBL and Milton Friedman" of September 18, 2021 in Zurich, in attendance or on the…

Il 'Premio Internazionale Start UpPMI Innovative Swiss Federalism, GCBL e Milton Friedman' ha un autorevole collegio giudicante

The jury of the Innovative Start Up/SME Award has been unveiled

The authoritative panel of 11 judging the companies' applications is now complete and will decide the winners on 18/9 in Zurich.

Lo Schweizerisch-italienisches Kunstgymnasium di Zurigo

Innovative Start Up/SME Award event also in attendance

On 18 September the winners of the "Swiss Federalism, GCBL and Milton Friedman" competition at the Schweizerisch-Italienisches…

La presentazione del Premio Internazionale PMI/Start Up Innovative “Swiss Federalism, GCBL e Istituto Milton Friedman”

Video, the presentation of the “Innovative Start Up/SME Award”

The competition aimed at new companies and small and medium-sized enterprises most capable of innovation has "visited" May 25 the Chamber…