Andrea Schenone pushes “Swiss Federalism” at “La Res Publica”

The president of the well-known association based in Gommiswald was interviewed on the topics of Switzerland, direct democracy and…

Alessandro Loprieno è il fondatore e CEO di WeShort

Alessandro Loprieno: “Short films are our asset!”

"In Short We Trust!' is the motto of the 31-year-old entrepreneur from Puglia, who believes in a totally new approach to 'short cinema'.

Valerio Dallago: “Electromagnetism is the medicine of the future”

In the secrets of Ionorisonance treatments with Seqex devices by the Trentine entrepreneur, inspired by William Ross Adey and Carl Blackman

Gianluca Tirozzi: “This is how bitCorp will conquer metaspace!”

Confrontation with the co-founder of a cutting-edge security computing startup, working on a "low cost" quantum PC

Quo vadis, Europe?

In the aftermath of the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, Europe has been brutally confronted with its inability as a geopolitical…

Lamberto Giannini è Capo della Polizia di Stato e Direttore Generale della Pubblica Sicurezza in Italia dal 4 marzo 2021

Lamberto Giannini: “Italy? On anti-Semitism is vigilant!”

Police Chief, honored with "King David Award," exposes atout of tri-color law enforcement in effectively protecting Jews

Eleonora Bafunno, rappresentante di Bafunno Mechanics, durante la cerimonia conclusiva del Premio Start Up e PMI Innovative il 18 settembre a Zurigo

Eleonora Bafunno: “The ‘democratic’ piano is reality”

Already the star of the Start Up/PMI Innovative Award in Zurich, the young artist and entrepreneur makes vertical pianos as functional as…

Il logotipo del Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all'Estero (CGIE)

What is the “General Council of Italians Abroad”?

Let's discover the international body that advises the Government and Parliament on major issues of interest to Italians who do not live in…

Crasi fra le bandiere della Confederazione Svizzera e della Repubblica Italiana

Roadmap Italy-Switzerland in tax and financial matters: yes!

The Federal Council adopted the report regarding the implementation of the mutual commitments made by Bern and Rome in May 2015

Monica Bravi, imprenditrice milanese trapiantata a Bologna, è fondatrice di MNEM, un'azienda di antropologia applicata

Monica Bravi: “I dream of becoming a serial entrepreneur”

Founder of a company that makes anthropology a support to medical care, the former Milanese manager aims at Switzerland via Bologna with…

Giancarlo Pagliarini, parlamentare della Lega Nord dal 1992 al 2006, è attivo in politica con la “Rete 22 Ottobre”

Giancarlo Pagliarini: “Federalism would facilitate Italy”

The 79-year-old politician, now active with the "October 22 Network", remembers Gianfranco Miglio, thinks of the lira for the South and…

Start Up Innovatice SME 2021 Award - Certificate Absence COVID

Innovative Start Up/SME Award also beats COVID19!

No trace of the Coronavirus in the rooms of the Zurich gala, thanks to a special machine prepared by the company New Wave Project

I Musei Vaticani all'interno dell'omonimo Stato sovrano a Roma

Bern will strengthen diplomatic relations with the Holy See

The Swiss Confederation will establish an embassy for the Vatican City State, which will also deal in Rome with Malta and San Marino

Gli italiani hanno un rapporto ambivalente con lo Stato e con l'idea stessa di Nazione

A Nation orphaned, first and foremost, of self-awareness….

The total lack of sense of the State has made the Italian people a dangerously amorphous mass, easily subject to the whims of the moment.

What the COMITES are, the antennas of the Italian spirit abroad

Discovering the representative bodies of the Italian community outside the borders, since 1985 directly elected by the compatriots...