'Telesguard' è il telegiornale della TV romancia RTR

Hurray for the first “Romancia Week” in Swiss history!

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, together with the government of Chur, launches the inaugural "Emna Rumantscha" dedicated to the fourth…

Rifiuti elettrici ed elettronici ammucchiati l'uno sull'altro

Bologna will give new life to electrical and electronic waste

A groundbreaking project of Emilia-Romagna, unique in Europe, to collect WEEE, prepare it for reuse and sell it at large commercial chains

The withdrawal of the DDL “Autonomy” disrespect to Italy that works

Combined with a non-referendable Budget Law, diversified regionalism would have entrusted Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto with the care…

The agreements between Italy and Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto

"Differentiated regionalism and Italy's agreements with Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto" in a volume of the Study Center of the Senate…

That Italian Confederation born and buried in Zurich

The Piedmontese violation of the Peace between Austria and France of November 10, 1859 denied the Peninsula an alliance led by the Pope and…

L'annuncio della nascita dell'HERA via Twitter

Veneto candidate to host EU “anticoronavirus” authority

Sent by the "governor" Luca Zaia the dossier for the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority to the President of the Italian…

Le Regioni europee hanno cercato di fare squadra contro il coronavirus

24 Regions to Europe: “Involve us in the Recovery Plan…”

On December 3, EU heavyweights wrote to Brussels to "participate at the highest level in discussions," while respecting the principle of…

Italy, requested “certain times for differentiated regionalism”

Stefano Bonaccini, president of the Conference of the major public territorial bodies of the Peninsula, pushes to accelerate the process of…

Italy: “On the diversified autonomy, the Government is ready”

The Minister for Regional Affairs sent the draft of the Framework Law on the future management of the Emilians, Lombards and Venetians to…

Italy, the legitimate implementation of differentiated autonomy

A rigorous, multi-level process will allow Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto to reach parliamentary approval of their special requests.

Italy, because differentiated autonomy “is” the Constitution

The initiatives of Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto highlight great opportunities for institutions as a whole, as well as for the…

La bandiera della Regione Piemonte

Even Piedmont has said yes to differentiated regionalism

Majority and opposition agree in Turin on autonomy and a long bouquet of subjects to be obtained, but in respect of a national unity of…

La bandiera della Regione Toscana

Tuscany joins the train of differentiated autonomy

In October 2019, Florence also began negotiations with the government for a regionalism of its own, but limited to only 10 subjects and…

Il logotipo della Confederazione Generale dell'Industria Italiana

Differentiated regional autonomy according to Confindustria

"Regional initiatives for differentiated autonomy under Article 116 of the Constitution": the "Position Paper" of the General Confederation…

Signing of the agreement between Catiuscia Marini (Umbria) and Luca Ceriscioli (Marche) on differentiated autonomy

Differentiated autonomy: single path for Umbria and Marche

Ancona and Perugia have activated the mechanism of Article 116 of the Constitution, identifying in a unitary way further forms and…