Una Patente di Guida dell'Italia

Driver’s licenses: the Switzerland-Italy Agreement is renewed

Bern and Rome signed on May 13 the five-year renewal of the agreement for the mutual recognition and conversion of driving licenses

The Swiss Confederation and the Italian Republic signed on May 13, 2021 the renewal of the Agreement for the Mutual Recognition and Conversion of Driving Licenses, ensuring its continuity.
The Agreement, in force since June 2016 with a validity of five years and now renewed by the Federal Council and the Italian Government for another five years, allows drivers who settle in the other State to easily convert their driving license.
The content has been slightly adapted based on experience. For example, the time limit within which conversion is guaranteed without having to take an exam is made explicit: four years after moving to Italy, five in Switzerland.

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Un'automobile fornita da mobility
A car provided by mobility

Applicability to documents prior to change of residence

In addition, the principle is established that the Agreement applies only to licenses issued in the other country before the change of residence.
The conversion procedure does not require any driving test, neither practical nor theoretical.
The competent authorities may, however, require additional documentation, for example, if there are doubts about fitness to drive or if the original document is stolen or lost.
The renewal of the Agreement, which has considerably simplified the formalities between the two countries, guarantees the continuity of mutual recognition for conversion practices.

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Il fronte di una Licenza di Condurre della Svizzera
The face of a Swiss Conductor’s License