Guy Parmelin, sul massiccio di massiccio di Les Diablerets, in occasione dell'allocuzione del primo agosto 2021

Guy Parmelin: “Yesterday’s values will be tomorrow’s…”

Address of the President of the Swiss Confederation on the day of the National Day 2021 from the Vaud summit of Les Diablerets at 3000 meters

Dear compatriots, dear compatriots,
On this August 1, 2021, I have the pleasure of addressing you from the Les Diablerets massif, at an altitude of almost 3000 meters. I have chosen to speak to you from the Canton of Vaud because of that comforting feeling that comes from being able to celebrate our National Day close to one’s roots, close to one’s loved ones, feeling “at home”.

The place where I find myself makes me feel close to all of you: from here I can see the Sanetsch pass and imagine the green source of the Sarine, a river that unites rather than divides. From here I can also see the cantons of Berne and Valais, and therefore other regions, with other languages and other mentalities, but which always constitute one and the same country: Switzerland, our Switzerland.

Our country, like many others, has long months of pandemic behind it. My heartfelt thoughts go out in particular to all those who have been affected and to those who are working tirelessly to combat it. I also express my deepest sympathy to those who have suffered from the recent floods and the serious damage caused by the bad weather. My gratitude goes to all those who are working on the ground to remedy the situation.

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Guy Parmelin, sul massiccio di massiccio di Les Diablerets, in occasione dell'allocuzione del primo agosto 2021
Guy Parmelin, on the massif of Les Diablerets, on the occasion of the speech on August 1, 2021

In spite of everything, this period has led us to demonstrate our ability to adapt. I admire the efforts of the population in this regard, especially on this day when we are called upon to reaffirm our founding values and our national pride.

In Switzerland, pride is a very intimate feeling that is expressed with discretion. It is a feeling that I have had the opportunity to share with you several times recently: in Geneva, during an important international summit; in Bucharest, during a brilliant performance by our national soccer team. Joy and pride, after all, are the feelings that animate us every time an individual or collective performance allows our country to progress along the path, always uncertain, of success. Moreover, the spirit of solidarity advocated by our Federal Constitution consists as much in rejoicing in the victories of others as in sharing in their difficulties. It means supporting others, whatever the circumstances.

The National Holiday is a culminating point in our calendar year that interrupts, albeit temporarily, the hectic pace of our activities. It is an occasion to reflect together on our future and to think not so much of our own destiny as of that of society as a whole: the society in which we operate and to whose development we try to contribute to the best of our ability.

The frequent contacts I have with our population have allowed me to discover its determination. Despite the continuation of the epidemic, I sense a renewed energy in the country, a desire to return to life and to be actively engaged.

Guy Parmelin, sul massiccio di massiccio di Les Diablerets, in occasione dell'allocuzione del primo agosto 2021
Guy Parmelin, on the massif of Les Diablerets, on the occasion of the speech on August 1, 2021

Switzerland, it is true, has accomplished nothing without having the means to do so. It has never based its success on approximation, chance, arrogance or bravado. On the contrary, our country is founded on work, mutual aid, courage and optimism. This recipe is proven by 730 years of a history that, like that of every other country, has had its ups and downs, good times and bad. It is a recipe that, I am convinced, will also prove valid in the future, in the face of the pressing health, environmental, social and geopolitical challenges that await us. Our Homeland will be able to face these challenges by adopting an overall vision, supported by the civic commitment of each of us and by the creativity that our direct democracy can stimulate.

The signs of recovery are evident and the economic forecasts are hopeful. However, it is necessary to keep in mind, as wise men like to remind us, that the goal of the journey is the journey itself. Let us therefore walk it with a sure step, stage by stage, confident in our resources.

From the bottom of my heart, and in a spirit of serenity, I wish you all a wonderful National Day.

Long live Switzerland and long live its institutions!

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Guy Parmelin, sul massiccio di massiccio di Les Diablerets, in occasione dell'allocuzione del primo agosto 2021
Guy Parmelin, on the massif of Les Diablerets, on the occasion of the speech on August 1, 2021