Studenti dell'Istituto Universitario Federale per la Formazione Professionale (IUFFP)

Switzerland will focus on strengthening competence in SMEs

The Bern government has instructed the EAER to optimise the framework conditions for participation in training courses for adults and those with basic skills gaps

Federal Council intends to strengthen the acquisition of skills, particularly in SMEs
On 23 June 2021, the Federal Council instructed the EAER to optimise the framework conditions for participation in adult education courses and thus encourage the enrolment of those with basic skills gaps.
By expanding the promotional program “Simply Better! …at work”, the federal government is working with companies to help employees meet the challenges in the workplace.
In addition, in cooperation with the relevant professional associations, it has launched the pilot program “Coaching continuing education for SMEs”.

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La riunione del personale di un'azienda, incarnata da un gruppo di giovani in abbigliamento smart casual, che discute dell'ordine del giorno all'interno di un ufficio alla moda
A company’s staff meeting, embodied by a group of young people in smart casual clothing, discussing the agenda inside a fashionable office

The continuing education needs of employees in the offering

The planned consulting offer will enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to shed light on the continuing education needs of their employees.
The level of training and participation in continuing education in Switzerland is quite high. However, there is still room for improvement with regard to both the basic skills of adults and continuing vocational training.
People without post-compulsory education or with gaps in basic skills have lower participation in continuing education and training offers and are more often unemployed.
In addition, SMEs in particular often find it difficult to systematically assess the training needs of employees as well as the skills required within the company itself.
Digitization and structural change in the business world, accelerated by the pandemic, accentuate these issues.

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“Simply Better! …to work” useful for the EAER and the SERI

The Federal Council has therefore instructed the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) to optimise the framework conditions for participation in training courses for adults with basic skills gaps.
In particular, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) is to strengthen the launch of the “Simply Better! …at work” programme and coordinate existing measures to promote basic skills.
By making the offer more visible, it will be possible to reach and convince more companies of the validity of the programme and have a positive impact on the take-up of federally supported adult education courses.
In addition, the SEFRI will refine the framework conditions for continuing vocational training and launch new pilot projects for the “Coaching Continuing Education for SMEs” programme.
Responsible for this offer will be the organisations of the world of work (OML), given their in-depth knowledge of the branch and its needs.
Coaching is intended to help companies define the continuing education needs of their employees.

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Intensified promotion of training projects

At the same time, the SEFRI will intensify the promotion of projects in the area of continuing vocational education and training, offering better advice and networking to those interested, as well as providing targeted impulses such as calls for proposals for company coaching.
With the Federal Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act (VPETA) and the Federal Act on Continuing Education and Training (VET/PET), the Confederation has the relevant legal basis for fulfilling the Federal Council’s mandate both in the field of promoting adult basic skills and in the field of continuing vocational training.
For its part, Parliament has already provided the necessary financial resources in its dispatch ERI 2021-2024.

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