Jean-Philippe Gaudin will no longer be the head of Swiss 007

The Government and the Divisionary at the top of the Information Activities Service will mutually terminate their employment on August 31, 2021

Jean-Philippe Gaudin will leave the Federal Service for Information Activities.
At its meeting on May 12, 2021, the Federal Council of Switzerland approved the termination of the employment relationship, by mutual agreement, with the director of the Service of Information Activities of the Confederation for August 31, 2021.
Appointed to head the SCI on July 1, 2018, Jean-Philippe Gaudin joined the Corps of Instructors on Jan. 1, 1987. He then took on various commands, both in Switzerland and in Bosnia-Herzegovina with the OSCE, before being designated head of the Military Information Service and then Defense Attaché in Paris with the rank of Divisionary, i.e., commander of a Division.

Extremism in the army: only 39 “cases” in Switzerland

Le attività di protezione dell'esercito svizzero al World Economic Forum di Davos (Grigioni) (Foto (VBS-DDPS)
Protection activities of the Swiss Armed Forces at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Grisons) (Photo (VBS-DDPS)

A new challenge in the private sector for the former official

The parties have terminated the employment relationship by mutual agreement.
Jean-Philippe Gaudin will leave SIC at the end of August 2021 to take up a new challenge in the private sector.
Deputy Director Jürg Bühler will take over as interim director until a successor is appointed.
Federal Councillor Viola Amherd thanks Jean-Philippe Gaudin for his 34 years of service to Switzerland’s security and wishes him all the best for the future.
The post of Director of the SIC will be advertised in due course.

Two new senior officers for Swiss Army

Le attività di protezione dell'esercito svizzero al World Economic Forum di Davos (Grigioni) (Foto (VBS-DDPS)
Protection activities of the Swiss Armed Forces at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Grisons) (Photo (VBS-DDPS)