The status of Swiss nuclear material abroad in 2020
Atomic products from Swiss plants, following the purchase of uranium and conversion into fuel, are located in Germany, France, Great Britain, the USA and Sweden
Since the entry into force of the new Nuclear Energy Act and the Ordinance on the Application of Safeguards, all nuclear materials that are located abroad, but are owned by Switzerland, must be reported annually to the supervisory authorities.
On April 6, 2021, the Federal Office of Energy published the list of materials for 2020.
Schweizer Kernmaterialbestände im Ausland
Liste des stocks suisses de matières nucléaires à l’étranger
Elenco dei materiali nucleari svizzeri all’estero
Nuclear products owned by the operators of Swiss plants are located in Germany, France, Great Britain, the United States of America and Sweden.
The changes compared to the previous year are attributable to the acquisition of uranium and its conversion into fuel elements, factors that depend on economic and operational requirements.