Turn Ideas into Reality! Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Switzerland supports start-ups and establishes Swiss innovation fund

The Federal Council wants to further strengthen the Swiss startup ecosystem and has decided to establish a fund open to all sectors to…

Anche nottetempo Zurigo si rivela vitale e proattiva

Innovative Start Up/SME Award: “where” and “how” to attend

Here are the ways to follow the event "Swiss Federalism, GCBL and Milton Friedman" of September 18, 2021 in Zurich, in attendance or on the…

Switzerland is the country with the greatest capacity for innovation

The Alpine country achieved the highest score in all seven indicators used to compile the "European Innovation Scoreboard", carried out by…

La presentazione del Premio Internazionale PMI/Start Up Innovative “Swiss Federalism, GCBL e Istituto Milton Friedman”

Video, the presentation of the “Innovative Start Up/SME Award”

The competition aimed at new companies and small and medium-sized enterprises most capable of innovation has "visited" May 25 the Chamber…

Grande concorrenza per il

A real prize to help “innovative” Start-Ups and SMEs

An investment fund will favor the 20 "smartest" ideas of the global competition wanted by Swiss Federalism, with the support of GCBL and…