Il logo di Diamante  TV

A Diamond for Italy: the digital dream of Adriano Ippoliti is a reality for Made in Italy

The Abruzzo-based founder and creator of digital TV: "A platform that is also an ecosystem of information for businesses and the territory.…

Crasi fra le bandiere della Confederazione Svizzera e della Repubblica Italiana

Sixth Forum for Dialogue between Switzerland and Italy in Zurich

The event took place on October 21 and 22, 2022 at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Zurich, a meeting platform attended by high-level…

Bandiera italiana eseguita dalle Frecce Tricolori Photo by Sabrina Belle on Pixabay

Week of Italian Language in the World

The Week of the Italian Language in the World is an international cultural event that has been held every year since 2001 in October, at…

Il logotipo del

Federalism Award 2022 to the Forum for Italian in Switzerland

The Forum for Italian in Switzerland wins the Federalism Award for its commitment to the Italian language and culture taking into account…

Convegno L'italofonia e il ruolo del servizio pubblico dei media by CORSI

Conference Italophony and the role of public service media

On Saturday, 7 May 2022, the Forum St. Katharinen in St. Gallen hosted the conference L'italofonia e il ruolo del servizio pubblico dei…

Conference “Italophonie and the role of public service media”

Analysis of the situation of Italian in the context of Swiss plurilingualism considering: the demographic and sociolinguistic aspect, the…

Il logotipo del Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all'Estero (CGIE)

What is the “General Council of Italians Abroad”?

Let's discover the international body that advises the Government and Parliament on major issues of interest to Italians who do not live in…

Gli italiani hanno un rapporto ambivalente con lo Stato e con l'idea stessa di Nazione

A Nation orphaned, first and foremost, of self-awareness….

The total lack of sense of the State has made the Italian people a dangerously amorphous mass, easily subject to the whims of the moment.

Leo Isolani al timone dell'agenzia pubblicitaria LMG Racing Lab

Leo Isolani: “In Switzerland, we do give importance to work”

The driver from Ancona, already a world champion in hillclimbs with the Ferrari brand, talks about himself, about "his" new country and…

Alcuni calciatori dell’Italia e tutti i calciatori del Galles inginocchiati alla vigilia di un match di Calcio

A (conformist) society of shame ready for oblivion

Italians have learned to feel guilty and to apologize for a series of sins that, often, they have not committed either as a people or as…

Andreas Arno Michael Voigt è il CEO di Innovando Gmbh, web agency dell'Appenzello Interno

Andreas Voigt: “In Appenzell the best of Emilia and Germany”

A united family and a Web Agency migrated from Italy to Switzerland in the story of a volcanic and courageous entrepreneur as well as…

Il Consigliere Federale Ignazio Cassis al 25esimo Dies Academicus dell’USI a Lugano

“More science in diplomacy, more diplomacy in science.”

On the sidelines of USI's 25th Dies Academicus, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis outlined the strategy that will inform Swiss foreign…

Una pagella scolastica italiana d'altri tempi e chiarissima

Don’t ask us for words: in Italy we no longer have any…

The evolution of the bureaucratic language of the Belpaese does not move towards simplification, but towards farce: an idiom that, by now,…