Crasi fra le bandiere della Confederazione Svizzera e della Repubblica Italiana

Sixth Forum for Dialogue between Switzerland and Italy in Zurich

The event took place on October 21 and 22, 2022 at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Zurich, a meeting platform attended by high-level…

Synhelion produces solar syngas on an industrial scale for the first time in the world on the DLR multifocus solar tower. © Synhelion

Synhelion paves the way for solar fuels

Synhelion is the first company in the world to succeed in producing syngas on an industrial scale using only solar heat as an energy…

Termometro indica elevate temperature

Heatwave: hot weather alert in Europe

The heat wave has reached all of Switzerland. A further slight increase in temperatures is expected south of the Alps in the coming days,…

Earth Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

Climate change and consequences

Rising temperatures over time are changing weather patterns and upsetting the normal balance of nature. This poses many risks to human…

Facade Saint Gallen building Photo by Arvydas Venckus on Unsplash

Cooler summers in the city thanks to appropriate building materials

Cities get warmer than rural areas so the Federal Housing Bureau (FOH) has published a catalog for planners and developers who construct or…

Klöntalersee in drought by  von Sarah Lötscher - Pixabay

Switzerland to a national drought prevention and warning system

Switzerland plans to set up an early detection and warning system to detect approaching critical situations several weeks in advance and…

La sede del World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 18 January. © World Economic Forum/Mattias Nutt

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 22—26 May 2022

Davos, Switzerland May 22-26, 2022 will host the annual meeting of the that will bring together more than 2,000 leaders and experts from…