Switzerland now aims at the international SKA observatory
Bern wants to participate in the full operation of the most sensitive radio telescope of the 21st century, which will study the formation of the first stars and galaxies
The “Square Kilometre Array”, the most sensitive radio telescope of the 21st century, will allow the scientific community to study the formation of the first stars and galaxies.
It will be operated by the international organization “Square Kilometre Array Observatory” (SKAO). To enable Switzerland to participate until 2030, the Federal Council has proposed to the Parliament to increase the commitment credit already approved.
On June 4, 2021, the Federal Council submitted the corresponding message to Parliament.
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The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) is an international research infrastructure based in Jodrell Bank, UK, with receiving facilities in Australia and South Africa.
From the telescope, which will allow to study the formation and evolution of the first stars and galaxies, are expected revolutionary discoveries in the understanding of the universe.
With the SKA will also be able to carry out research on the function of cosmic magnetism, the nature of dark matter, life forms in the universe, dark energy and gravity. Its total cost is estimated at 1,986 million euros.
On September 16, 2020, the Federal Assembly approved a commitment credit of CHF 8.9 million as part of the ERI Message 2021-2024 in view of Switzerland’s accession to the international SKAO organization.
In the course of 2020, the SEFRI examined the situation together with the Swiss industry actors and institutes interested in the Square Kilometre Array Observatory.
The review showed that only a full membership in this infrastructure would guarantee a satisfactory return on investment for Switzerland.
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Since the above-mentioned commitment credit does not allow our country to participate in the construction and operation of the SKAO beyond 2024, the Federal Council is now proposing to Parliament to increase this credit by CHF 24.7 million in order to finance Switzerland’s participation until 2030.
If Parliament grants this request, the Federal Council will be able to conclude that Switzerland will participate in the SKAO until 2030.
Participation in international research facilities gives researchers in Switzerland direct access to the latest experiments and data.
While the large international research facilities in which Switzerland participates are generally governed by a strong European consortium, the SKAO is led and funded by three major Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Australia, and South Africa.
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