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Swiss Migrant Information System to be rebuilt

The Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the commitment credit of 54.3 million for the years 2022-2027 in order to adapt the SIMIC to current standards

In Switzerland the Central Migration Information System (SIMIC) is the comprehensive working instrument for the area of foreigners and asylum as well as citizenship.
Put into operation in 2008, the system now needs to be renewed.
At its meeting on 21 April 2021, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the corresponding commitment credit of 54.3 million for the years 2022-2027.
Foreign nationals living or residing in Switzerland are registered in the SIMIC.

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Around 30,000 employees of the security and migration authorities at municipal, cantonal and federal level use the system on a daily basis to fulfil their professional duties.
In addition to handling various procedural steps, SIMIC also serves the purpose of ensuring that asylum seekers are correctly distributed among the cantons.
In the area of foreigners, it is used to process all decisions concerning the entry of EU and EFTA citizens and their family members as well as citizens of third countries into Switzerland.

Un passaporto il cui titolare è stato ammesso nel Paese
A passport whose holder has been admitted to the country

Cantonal residence and work permits in the system

The cantonal migration authorities also register the residence and work permits of foreigners in SIMIC.
The system has further functions in the areas of return, labour market, naturalization, asylum and foreigner statistics.
It is also an important source of information for the police, border control authorities and other security bodies.

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In addition to permit data, all sanctions such as bans on entry, expulsions or judicial deportations are recorded centrally in the SIMIC so that they can be consulted by the competent authorities when persons are checked or border crossings are made.

Un passaporto il cui titolare è stato respinto dal Paese
A passport whose holder has been rejected by the country

Software to be updated from 2008 version

The information system, which was put into operation in 2008 and has been continuously developed and expanded since then, now needs to be renewed.
The software components on which it is based have become outdated and need to be replaced in order to maintain its operation and security.
Furthermore, current technology is not compatible with new solutions.
In accordance with the federal government’s IT and communication technology strategy, SIMIC is therefore to be gradually renewed in the coming years.

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In this way, efficient and rapid digital services will continue to be guaranteed for the areas of asylum, foreign nationals and citizenship. The renewal also enables the system to be equipped for future developments and expansions.
The total costs amount to CHF 65.9 million, of which CHF 11.2 million will be provided by the FDJP in the form of its own services.
For the remaining project costs of 54.3 million francs, the Federal Council is proposing a commitment credit to Parliament.

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Messaggio concernente un credito d’impegno per il rinnovo del sistema d’informazione centrale sulla migrazione (SIMIC)
Decreto federale concernente un credito d’impegno per il rinnovo del sistema d’informazione centrale sulla migrazione (SIMIC)

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The Tirano station on the border between Italy and Switzerland