Swiss libraries launch new national platform
The Library Am Guisanplatz (BiG), the Alexandria Library Network, together with 490 libraries are now part of the National Library Network SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform): this allows direct access to the majority of scientific works in Switzerland.
The world of information provision is changing rapidly. In order to be able to meet the new requirements, the Am Guisanplatz Library (BiG) and the Alexandria Library Network have joined the Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP).
Through the Alexandria search portal, the BiG gives its users access to the swisscovery general catalog and with it to over 40 million books and journals as well as 3 billion electronic items from over 490 libraries. On the other hand, the visibility of the works of the Alexandria Library Network is increased since they can be directly consulted and ordered by all swisscovery users.
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Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP)
The Swiss Library Service Platform together with its subsidiary Consortium of Swiss University Libraries is, Switzerland’s largest research network. Created by libraries for libraries, it is a joint effort to provide a range of services to the entire country, such as a shared multilingual catalog of scholarly information, a single representation for licensing electronic resources, and an efficient courier network for sharing physical resources.
SLSP represents an innovative and significant step in the digital evolution of libraries in Switzerland. By operating the cloud-based Alma system, the organization unites scholarly information stored in libraries throughout Switzerland. By making this information accessible and easily findable, SLSP is making a contribution to research and scientific progress.
The Network
The SLSP network is divided into several “zones”. The SLSP operates the network zone (NZ) called swisscovery, while the libraries have been distributed into 29 institution zones (IZ).
An institution zone (IZ) groups libraries with similar needs. The IZ is a key component in the SLSP system, it allows to create synergies and increase efficiency. In SLSP we distinguish between two types of institution zones: single entity zones and mixed entity zones.
In a single-entity zone, most libraries are legally tied to a lead institution (e.g., a university). In a mixed-entity zone, libraries are legally tied to different entities (e.g., they are grouped together based on geographic considerations).
To access the resources of SLSP member libraries, users must access user interfaces called “Views”. In SLSP, we have prepared an interface for the Network Zone (NZ), an interface for all Institution Zones (IZ), and several interfaces for individual libraries.
Each interface has specific search scopes that will yield different results when used for searching. The swisscovery network zone contains all records from the SLSP libraries, some general external resources (e.g. e-rara documents), and the Central Discovery Index (CDI). The institution zone interfaces and library views contain the local inventory of the institution zone/library, general and local external resources, and the CDI index.
The Central Discovery Index (CDI) is a central database with over 3 billion records such as: journal articles, e-books, dissertations, conference proceedings, etc.
Library Am Guisanplatz -BiG
The Library Am Guisanplatz BiG is responsible for providing information to the Federal Administration and the armed forces. With its diverse collection profile and numerous services, the BiG is also available to the general public.
Alexandria is the search portal for the libraries and documentation centers of the Federal Administration and the Army. The Library Am Guisanplatz BiG plays the role of coordinating library for the network of 15 libraries. The Alexandria search portal will also enable searches in swisscovery with more than 490 Swiss science libraries.
Loan and use of BiG holdings remain free of charge
The Library Am Guisanplatz BiG belongs to the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport DDPS and is the reference library of the Federal Administration. It collects and provides specialist information which the Federal Administration and the Swiss Armed Forces need to fulfil their tasks or which has been published by the Federal Administration or the Swiss Armed Forces. By joining the SLSP, the BiG and the Alexandria Network will in future benefit from the synergies and services that become available only after joining the National Library Network.
In addition to fulfilling its core mission, BiG is committed to making its vast archive of works available to the business community and the public. Therefore, access to these works by private individuals continues to be free of charge even after membership.