Il Politecnico Federale di Zurigo

Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology in the world top 15

Good performance of Swiss universities in the latest QS World University Ranking, with ETH 8th and EPFL 14th for internationality and research citations

Good performance of Swiss universities in the latest QS World University Ranking, all in keeping with a long tradition.
ETH Zurich was ranked eighth worldwide. It was thus crowned the best university in continental Europe for the 14th consecutive year. However, it dropped two places in the rankings compared to 2020.
ETH Zürich’s solidity and ranking is due above all to its international outlook, the high number of citations in research and its good reputation both in academia and with employers. Overall, ETH Zurich scored 95.4 points out of a maximum of 100.

Günther Dissertori: a South Tyrolean at the ETH Zurich

La Scuola Federale Politecnica di Losanna
The Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne

Lausanne also holds a high position

Other Swiss universities also occupy the top places in the ranking. As in the previous year, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne climbed to 14th place with 90.2 points.
Like its counterpart on the banks of the Limmat, EPFL did particularly well in international relations, for which it received top marks. It also scored high marks for citations.

The 2021-2024 strategic goals of the Federal Institutes of Technology

La sede dell'Università della Svizzera Italiana a Lugano
The headquarters of the University of Italian Switzerland in Lugano

University of Basel and USI on the rise again

The University of Zurich was ranked 70th this year and thus dropped one place from last year.
The universities of Geneva (105th), Bern (119th) and Lausanne (176th) also dropped slightly in the rankings. On the other hand, the University of Basel climbed 11 places to 138th.
The Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), which has only been in the rankings for the past two years, also improved by 33 positions to 240 worldwide.

Data science and the common good: Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology with the FSO

I logotipi dei Politecnici Federali di Zurigo e Losanna
The logos of the Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich and Lausanne

MIT in the USA and Oxford in England the absolute best

For the tenth time in a row, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States tops the overall ranking. In second place is the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
Third place is shared by Stanford University in the US and Cambridge University in the UK.

The QS World University Ranking is based on the results of surveys and polls of scientists and employers regarding the quality of universities.
Performance is also based on data from academic journals, as well as examination of a variety of other statistics.

The two Federal Institutes of Technology in Lausanne and Zurich are booming

Il Politecnico Federale di Zurigo
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

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