Il nostro tempo

Il tempo della prima infanzia è finito.

Quando stavi ad addormentarti fra le braccia di tua madre.

L’orologio non si ferma mai.

Il tempo della scuola la tua infanzia minuto dopo minuto va via col tempo.

E cresci in un mondo sconosciuto.

Impari a gestire il tuo tempo.

Finché amore e delusione segnano il tempo delle lacrime.

Ma poi arriva di nuovo il sole e la vita che è dentro di te, segna un nuovo giorno, una nuova vita da rivivere nel tempo.

Zaira Sellerio

Our time (English translation )

The time of early childhood is over.

When you were falling asleep in your mother’s arms.

The clock never stops.

School time your childhood minute by minute goes away with time.

And you grow up in an unfamiliar world.

You learn to manage your time.

Until love and disappointment mark the time of tears.

But then the sun comes again and the life inside you marks a new day, a new life to relive in time.

Zaira Sellerio

Swing on the sea Image by Kevin Seibel from Pixabay


Zaira Sellerio’s poem “Il Nostro Tempo” – “Our Time” explores the different stages of life. With a reflective and nostalgic tone, the author guides us through the milestones of growing up, emphasizing how time, inexorable, brings with it profound changes.

The poem opens with the memory of early childhood, a time of security and comfort, represented by the image of falling asleep in her mother’s arms. This image evokes a sense of protection and affection that contrasts with the continuous and relentless advance of time, symbolized by the clock that never stops.

Turning to school time, the author describes childhood slipping away minute by minute, bringing with it the inevitable growth and entry into an unfamiliar world. This transition marks the beginning of awareness of one’s own time, a central theme in the poem.

The next passage deals with the experience of love and disappointment, described as the ‘time of tears’. This section is particularly emotional, highlighting how deep emotions affect the perception of time.

“Il coraggio è femmina” by Zaira Sellerio to be released in September

Two awards for Zaira Sellerio

Some awards for her works

– “Arturo Massimi” national poetry prize October 1999, Mentana Rome;

– Targa for fiction award; international competition “Pelosa” Messina November 2000

– Poetry plaque October 2000 of the Province of Rome – International competition “Antonio de Curtis” Rome

– Poets and Society Award delegation of German Switzerland (international competition, honorable mention).

– The unpublished poetry award, fifth edition award / topicality – Bartolucci finalist diploma, October 27, 2001

– International artistic-literary competition, Antonio de Curtis “Totò,” Rome October 22, 2002

– ALIAS (Accademia Letteratura Italo Australia Scrittori, with the collaboration c.r.a.s.e.s of Palermo, International Literary Competition III Prize ex aequo of poetry, Oct. 10, 2003

– I POETRY PRIZE gallery “Il salotto dell’arte ROMA March 22, 2009

– PRIZE A LIFE FOR CULTURE “Gallery Salotto dell’arte ROMA” April 2012

– International Dialectal Poetry Prize “Poetic Roots.”

– Finalist in the anthology text review, dedicated to Massimo Troisi, June 2015.

– X. Navarro International Prize “Narrativa Edita”, Sambuca di Sicilia – Borgo dei Borghi May 2018.

– International Literary Prize Europe section, Lugano (Switzerland), May 2014.

– UNA VITA PER LA CULTURA Award 2009, Rome, May 2009.

– “International Donne D’Amore 2023 Prize”, 1 . poetry section award Rome, May 2023


Il coraggio è femmina

The printed book “Il coraggio è femmina” can be pre-ordered with an exclusive dedication by the author.
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