Gli scudetti affiancati dei Cantoni svizzeri di Svitto e di Zugo

One in eight residents in the cantons of Schwyz and Zug is a millionaire

According to an article in the periodical “SonntagsBlick”, two central Swiss states have made the most of tax competition with cities

One in eight residents of the Swiss cantons of Schwyz and Zug is a millionaire, according to an article in the “SonntagsBlick” magazine.

The Swiss newspaper published the results on Sunday, April 25, based on an analysis of government statistics that include tax and wealth data.

Nicola Zanni: “In Zug, if you want it and work hard, you get it all.”
Canton Zug is not content: taxes even lower…

Located in central Switzerland, Schwyz and Zug have significantly lower personal tax rates than larger, more densely populated cantons such as Zurich and Geneva.

Christoph Schaltegger, professor of political economy at the University of Lucerne, said such examples show that tax competition between cantons is a good thing.

Il convento domenicano Sankt Peter am Bach a Svitto
The Dominican monastery Sankt Peter am Bach in Schwyz

Switzerland paradise of the purchase of goods and services online
They climb to quota three hundred and thirty thousand the Paperoni in Switzerland
In high the incomes of the Swiss households, but…

La zona bassa della città di Zugo o Unterstadt
The lower part of the city of Zug or Unterstadt

Growth from 11 millionaires per 1,000 inhabitants in 1969

“It gives remote and structurally weak regions the opportunity to assert themselves against attractive urban centers,” he told the SonntagsBlick.

Across Switzerland, the number of millionaires per 1,000 taxpayers was 62 in 2017, the newspaper reported.

Schwyz and Glarus, Lost Semicantons of Swiss History.
Waldstätte and the “forest” cantons at the dawn of Switzerland…

This has increased considerably from eleven per thousand in 1969.

Residents of Baar, a small town in the Zürich hinterland, pay about 7.5 percent in personal taxes for every 100,000 Swiss francs ($109,450) of income, according to the tax return preparation service Transforma AG.
Geneva residents pay roughly 16 percent in taxes.

La produzione di franchi presso la Banca Nazionale Svizzera
Production of Swiss francs at the Swiss National Bank