La sede del Governo del Principato del Liechtenstein a Vaduz

Liechtenstein towards the presidency of the Council of Europe

Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler two days in Strasbourg to look after the six-month term at the helm of the Committee of Ministers from November 2023 to May 2024

After more than twenty years, the Principality of Liechtenstein will again hold the presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe: for the first time it will happen for a period of six months, namely from November 2023 to May 2024.
The Council of Europe was founded after the Second World War, in 1949, by ten countries for the purpose of protecting human rights.
Today, with 47 member states, it is one of the oldest and largest European organizations promoting the fundamental principles of life and its dignity. Liechtenstein has been an active member of the COE since 1978.

For Standard & Poor’s Liechtenstein is a triple A country

a sede del Consiglio d'Europa a Strasburgo in Francia
The seat of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France

Holding conferences and workshops, and more

In addition to chairing the Committee of Ministers, the Principality will be responsible for organizing and holding conferences and workshops, as well as managing and chairing the annual ministerial meeting.
Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler used the first day of her working visit, among other things, to discuss this upcoming assignment with Ambassador Domenik Wanger in order to predetermine priorities and to start planning concrete projects.

Twenty years ago Liechtenstein’s attack on Germany

La sede del Parlamento del Liechtenstein a Vaduz
The seat of the Liechtenstein Parliament in Vaduz

The voice of Vaduz resounds loudly in the continental arena

The Permanent Representation embodies Liechtenstein’s foreign policy priorities at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and works to implement these interests vis-à-vis the other 46 member states and the five observers.
As a small continental state, Liechtenstein has a special interest in strengthening and supporting the rule of law and respect for human rights.
For this reason, it has been active in these areas for many years and has developed a clear and independent profile.

Summary of the centenary love between Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Bandiera del Principato del Liechtenstein
Flag of the Principality of Liechtenstein

Ambassador Domenik Wanger and… 46 other diplomacies

These interests are represented in the Committee of Ministers, the highest decision-making body of the Council of Europe, by Ambassador Domenik Wanger, who is in regular contact with the highest-ranking diplomats of the other member states present in Strasbourg.
The Permanent Representation is also available to other institutions of the Council of Europe, such as the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, as a Liechtenstein contact on the spot or to support the persons responsible.
The same applies to the numerous expert bodies of the COE, which deal, for example, with topics such as the prevention of sexual violence against children (“Lanzarote Committee”), the prevention of torture (“CPT”), the prevention of corruption (“GRECO”), money laundering and the financing of terrorism (“MONEYVAL”), or the fight against racism and intolerance (“ECRI”).

The “Finance Forum Liechtenstein” will be on September 9 in Vaduz

Il principe Hans Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein e la consorte Marie Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau
The Prince Hans Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein and spouse Marie Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau

Eighty-nine out of 200 conventions ratified by Hans Adam II

Of the more than 200 conventions of the Council of Europe, Liechtenstein has signed and ratified eighty-nine.
Recently, Parliament approved Liechtenstein’s accession to the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in general.
Foreign Minister Dominique Hasler deposited the instrument of ratification on the second day of her working visit.

This is how Liechtenstein invented the corporate state out of nothing

The celebration of the Liechtensteiner National Holiday
The celebration of the Liechtensteiner National Holiday