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Greater working flexibility for federal staff

Employees will be granted more autonomy in determining their place of work and working hours as well as extended guarantees for the Over 55s

With a revision of the Federal Personnel Act, the Swiss government is introducing new provisions on flexible forms of work into its personnel legislation.
In doing so, it is implementing a key element of the objectives defined last year. Employees are to be given greater flexibility in their choice of workplace and working hours.

Änderung der Bundespersonalverordnung (BPV)
Änderung der Verordnung des EFD zur Bundespersonalverordnung (VBPV)

At its meeting on 12 May, the Federal Council adopted in a first phase a revision of the Federal Personnel Ordinance (FPO), which will enter into force on 1 July 2021.
To meet future challenges, the Federal Administration as a competitive employer must be able to recruit and retain competent and motivated employees. This requires modern working conditions.
The pandemic has significantly accelerated the already ongoing trend towards more flexible forms of working and a better work-life balance.

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Molti studenti svizzeri sono anche lavoratori
Many Swiss students are also workers

Individual, technology and infrastructure are at the centre

On 11 December 2020, the Federal Council approved the objectives for the development of flexible forms of work, thereby pursuing an integral approach that optimally brings together the three dimensions of “individual”, “technology” and “infrastructure” in this cultural change.
As a first step, the Federal Council approved the aforementioned revision of the Federal Personnel Ordinance (FPO), which will enter into force on 1 July.
At the same time, the Federal Department of Finance adapted the FDF Ordinance on the Federal Personnel Ordinance (FPO).

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Lavoratori altamente qualificati in città
Highly qualified workers in the city

Towards a slightly more “flexible” workplace and working time model

Supervisors promote flexible forms of working, particularly in terms of workplace and working hours.
They take into account the personal needs of employees and give them the opportunity to meet them, provided that the fulfilment of tasks allows it and these needs can be reconciled with the interests of the company.

Révision de l’ordonnance sur le personnel de la Confédération (OPers)
Révision de l’ordonnance du DFF concernant l’ordonnance sur le personnel de la Confédération (O-OPers)

Other projects concerning changes in the world of work are also underway within the Federal Administration.
Although the focus is on tasks, there is no right to freely choose the place of work
Employees decide together with their superiors where to work.

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Lavoratori altamente qualificati in ufficio
Highly qualified office workers

Co-working spaces or hub workplaces

For the first time, federal personnel law explicitly provides for the possibility of working on the employer’s premises or at home, but also in co-working spaces, hub workplaces or spaces that can be adapted to the needs of the team.
However, there is no legal right to free choice of workplace.
In order to make working time models even more flexible, employees in salary bands 18-23 will also be able to benefit from the trust-based working time model (hitherto only available for salary bands 24-29).

Ordinanza sul personale federale (OPers)
Ordinanza del DFF concernente l’ordinanza sul personale federale (O-OPers)

In connection with mobile work (carried out away from the employer’s premises), the revision regulates other important areas such as health protection, the provision of technical infrastructure and equipment for employees, and the reimbursement of expenses related to off-site work.
The Federal Council has also decided to extend paternity leave from 10 to 20 days with effect from 1 January 2022.
On the same day, the amendment concerning the salary guarantee in the event of a lower job evaluation or classification in a lower salary class will also enter into force.

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Bandiera della Confederazione Svizzera
Bandiera della Confederazione Svizzera

Indefinite duration of relationships for “older” employees

Under current law, employees who have already reached the age of 55 and whose function is classified in a lower pay grade or who are assigned a function classified in a lower pay grade receive a salary guarantee for an indefinite period.
This guarantee is reduced to a maximum of five years.

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Donne al lavoro in ufficio al computer
Women at work in the office at the computer