Freer road freight transport between Switzerland and Russia

On October 15, Bern and Moscow repealed the permit requirement, which had existed since 2015, for bilateral and transit deliveries

In the future, Swiss and Russian road transport companies will not need a permit to transport goods or to ensure their transit between the two countries.
Representatives of the Swiss Confederation and the Russian Federation have signed an adaptation of the bilateral agreement to this effect.
International road traffic between Switzerland and Russia is governed by a bilateral agreement in force since February 2015, under which both bilateral transport and transit are subject to authorization.
The number of annual permits is limited. In recent years, demand from freight carriers has exceeded this limit.
For this reason, the two countries have agreed to relax the regulation and to supplement the agreement with a protocol: the permit requirement for bilateral and transit transport is abolished.

Good offices and economic agreements at the Russia-Switzerland summit
Bilateral meetings of Switzerland with the USA and Russia

Bandiera della Federazione Russa
Flag of the Russian Federation
Bandiera della Confederazione Svizzera
Flag of the Swiss Confederation

Only stops: triangular traffic, coach traffic and cabotage

Neither triangular traffic nor coach travel (road passenger traffic) will be liberalised. The new regulations were signed in Moscow on 15 October 2021 by representatives of the Swiss Confederation and the Russian Federation and will enter into force as soon as the respective national procedures have been completed (ratification).
For many years, Switzerland has been committed to permit-free market access in cross-border road freight traffic.
The land transport agreement with the EU states already contains provisions to this effect, while with many other European and Near Eastern states permits are waived on the basis of agreements similar to the one signed with Russia.
Cabotage, i.e. the transport of goods by foreign companies between two destinations within Switzerland, remains prohibited.

There is a customs memorandum of understanding between Russia and Switzerland
Belarus: considerable tightening of Swiss sanctions

Vladimir Putin, presidente della Federazione Russa, e Guy Parmelin, presidente della Confederazione Elvetica, a colloquio a Ginevra
Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, and Guy Parmelin, President of the Swiss Confederation, in conversation in Geneva