Le bandiere dei 26 Cantoni esposte a Berna all'esterno della sede del Palazzo Federale

Federal guarantee for five revised cantonal constitutions

The Swiss government asks the two branches of parliament to give their approval to the changes to the basic charters of Uri, Schaffhausen, Aargau, Ticino and Geneva

The Federal Council has proposed to the Swiss Parliament that the revised constitutions of the cantons of Uri, Schaffhausen, Aargau, Ticino and Geneva be given the federal guarantee.
As can be seen from the Federal Council message adopted on June 4, 2021, all constitutional amendments are in accordance with the federal law of Switzerland.
International law that is binding on Switzerland is also considered federal law. The competence to grant this guarantee lies with the Federal Assembly (Article 172, paragraph 2, of the Federal Constitution).

Bundesbeschluss Entwurf über die Gewährleistung der geänderten Verfassungen der Kantone Uri, Schaffhausen, Aargau, Tessin und Genf
Botschaft zur Gewährleistung der geänderten Verfassungen der Kantone Uri, Schaffhausen, Aargau, Tessin und Genf
Arrêté fédéral Projet concernant la garantie des constitutions révisées des cantons d’Uri, de Schaffhouse, d’Argovie, du Tessin et de Genève
Message concernant la garantie des constitutions révisées des cantons d’Uri, de Schaffhouse, d’Argovie, du Tessin et de Genève
Decreto federale Disegno che accorda la garanzia federale alle Costituzioni rivedute dei Cantoni di Uri, Sciaffusa, Argovia, Ticino e Ginevra
Messaggio concernente il conferimento della garanzia federale alle Costituzioni rivedute dei Cantoni di Uri, Sciaffusa, Argovia, Ticino e Ginevra

Il celeberrimo Palazzo Federale di Berna
The famous Federal Palace in Bern

Amendments in detail voted by the legislative powers of the cantons

The constitutional amendments relate to the following:
Canton of Uri: the right of necessity clause;
Canton Schaffhausen: the disclosure of political financing;
Canton Aargau: the competencies of school authorities;
implementation of the law on cash games;
Canton of Ticino: the principle of subsidiarity;
Canton of Geneva: the Presidency of the State Council and the Presidential Department; tax competition and the implementation of federal tax reforms; the institution for home care, aid and assistance; the implementation of Article 29 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

La ripartizione della Svizzera in Regioni e Cantoni
The division of Switzerland into regions and cantons